Pics of my daily driver/beater

lets line em up!!! gotta dig the pig out of the garage though.

Let’s do it. Do you want it with the groceries or without? Which Buick do you want, the T or the GS? Your choice

take em out, but leave the carseats in.

you should know by now. 3.8 > LS1 poop

Wait…which car will rip an LS1 apart? Not the GSX i hope:stick:

:bowrofl: wake up

I was teasing him about the GSX beating an LS1. I know it can’t beat an
LS1 with the current mods.

nevarr!!! we’ll run em.

Blk = black
and p42e is a chunk of the mustang’s VIN

i think it means passenger GT model 5.0L hatchback

i forget though

very clean looking.

put regular size street tires on the T and i’ll run ya john :slight_smile:

Quick, you wanna line em up with my pink car?

It has regular sized stock tires on it.