Pics of my Jetta.....

Originally posted by JettaGT383
Yea…SLAM it in Eastern PA :rolleyes: You wanna come pick up my oil pan???

hahah bust your oil pan in a 2.slow?

hahah get the f out

its not a vr6 son

Originally posted by halo 666
hahah bust your oil pan in a 2.slow?

hahah get the f out

its not a vr6 son
i don’t understand where that is coming from? if you slam a car you’ll smack the oilpan no matter what?

i smack my oil pan if i’m not careful… and my car isn’t slammed?

wtf pete?

vr6 oil pan sits lower then the 2.0 pan

i think i have one scratch on the oil pan if even that

but your car isn’t low :tounge:

i wouldn’t slam it… drop it an inch or an inch and a half… slightly lowered + awesome suspension > slammed and dragging.

My car is slammed, but the pan is tucked nicely in the frame rails for some added protection.:smiley: :cool:

Originally posted by VictorSmalls
My car is slammed, but the pan is tucked nicely in the frame rails for some added protection.:smiley: :cool:
i don’t know if i’d call your car slammed? sure you tuck 17s… but i’m almost tucking 15’s and my shit’s only at 50mm…

plus there is nothing to protect a vw oil pan other than the subframe…

you could buy a TDI skidplate

modify it to work on a 1.8 T

personally i don’t give a fuck about my oil pan… i don’t smack shit… only when i’m not paying attention

when i get my coils i’ll put the dieselgeek plate on… or something similar.

Slamming it is out of the question…i was leaning more towards a 35/40 or 40/40…i can barely back out of my driveway NOW without my Exhaust tips scraping…

40/40 is what i got and its the perfect drop once its all nice and settled.

sonny, halo is right… we don’t really have to worry about smacking our oil pans like 1.8T do and especially the VR6. I drove around that one winter slammed as shit and their is not a mark on my oil pan!

Even if my oil pan doesnt sit low…knowing me, I’ll still find a way to smack it off of something:rolleyes: …

Hey Whitey…i didnt really take a good look at your wheels, i’m guessing you have 17’s??

is a 40/40 still a significant drop on 16’s? Or, is there still a good amount of wheel gap…because that is my MAIN problem…wheelgap:mad:

I am on 17’s… 16’s would look best with a 40/40 suspension and a nice agressive tire

Nice…Thanks man…:slight_smile:

I have some more Pics… More recent…

Hope You Like…

And, oh yes…I KNow im 4x4’ing…but pretend I’m not for a little bit…i have a huge hole in my wallet from a tranny rebuild, so i’m slowly saving for a Cup Kit

looks good:D

not a chrome fan though, im more into the brushed look with a polished lip. to each his own. keep up the good work.:smiley:

Well, i wasnt either…but i bought the rims off a friend of mine for 100 bucks…:smiley: So I’m not complaining…

Cant complain, I was in the same boat with my 17’s

Another Question…what % Tint should I try to get?? I was thinking of 35 all around…

Considering that you have to go to mary grace if you get a ticket, I would stick with either 35 all around or at the most 20 on the back and 35 on the sides.:smiley:

I figure, not tint for me, I allready am pushing it in some areas as it is.:cool: