pics of your drift charms

lets see what everones got.

iv been trying to get the hads to stick to the rear bumper but the silicone dident hold lol

You need to actually drift to have a drifting charm.

even then, it’s still gay…

They are called ’ mojo’ bikers, drivers, just about any sport with a vehicle has been using this sort of mascot since day one. A prominent version is the maidenhead of old sailing ships…

their are allot of serious drivers, sailors… you name it that won’t go anywhere without them… perhaps they aren’t ‘gay’, perhaps your just too lame to understand the significance of a mojo…

Well, atleast we all agree that it’s gay to have it when you DON’T drift.

yeah, you’re right… I’m too lame to hang a stuffed toy on my car… :ugh2:

if the thing actually means something to you (childhood toy or something) then fine, but i bet pretty much everyone here that has one does it because its “cool” so for that reason, i’m with koz in saying that this is absolutely ridiculous.

its cool cuz ppl get to see a dangly thingy when they drive behind ur ass

i posted mine before… i got it fo freeee

why is evry one always hatin on this sight, theres always someone thinking there cool buy bashing others.

to much hate to much… just because youve never seen someone drift dosent mean they dont. and im sorry but anything i can do to maybe give me a bit of luck not to hit a curb… i mean wall on the track… yes that it… than im going to do it. besides i love seing 12 yearold girld trying to get it off my car then see me and run lol besides it kinda an inside joke. stop the hate. i know lots of ppl have em so lets see em! if you wana hate take it somewhere else more pics less hate is what im sayign

These shouldnt just be called drift charms. Sometimes that may mislead people. Well anyways here is my stuff:

cant go wrong when your jdm…

Kengi, change your sig. It’s WRONG.

8" gold nut sack, dont hate

Trailer Balls!!

I’d call you obtuse but I’m sure you have no clue what that means, suffice to say, you either can’t read or don’t understand what a maidenhead is. A mojo does not need to be a stuffed animal, it can be anything from a key fob boobie to a frikin plastic grimace hood ornament.

Regardless your a mook for harshing on his choice of Mojo. Leave that crap at UNI…

toys hanging off of cars = ghay

My mojo was stolen back in '05.

Was it Tony240? :slight_smile:

I kid, I kid.