Pics up again! - Slomies & hotrodkid assemble & mod the accord - deadline: carlisle

bah, all we have to do is finish the suspension, engine, bodywork and interior … not much at all …

Project is short on funds, I can’t afford that FMU. And I lack the funds to finish it all up. So I’ll be taking the WRX most likely unless I get really lucky. Too much for me to do alone. Still need to wetsand the entire car. Grind off some rust spots, bondo work. Drop the tranny get a new clutch replace front struts, larger injectors. Most of which I won’t be able to afford until aftewards. :frowning:

alot of the work is actually done already, but the pics dont show that. some of the pics that hrk posted arent to upto date. the suspension and stuff is already in and alot of the interior is done and just needs to be put back in. when i get home from work at 7am, i’m gonna finish putting the engine together (bottom end is already done) and fix some wiring that was a mess. I’m hoping to finish her with hrk soon.

what fmu are u looking to get? i have one u can “borrow” if need be

Anyone of decent build quality. (i.e. not made of plastic/poorly machined in a sweatshop by a 12 year old and sold on e-bay.

I’d rather find something I can keep using though. I might go a different route as I’m probably going to up the injector size so I can push 9+ psi though it. Which an FMU won’t be able to compensate for.

where are the pisc?@?!?!

pics are down

yeah pics are down for now. hrk is not home and never put them back up … later tonight they should be back up


Nice work. This pic makes me realize what GhettoBumBuddyStylez sees in you.

omg is so cute how you guys stick up for each other.

whoa, an insult modding my sucky sn!?

dude, let me know via AIM when the next chippewa/87foxgt movement occurs, we gotta party sometime. bring the notorious H.R.K. :tup:

and corey, too - gotta meet him before i go, sheeit

EDIT: ‘intact, viable transportation’ is pretty hot, too :slight_smile:

and I dont think the red rotors look that bad. Anything is better than rusty

just in case he edits it later …

glad to see u guys are making progress!

hope you get it done in time