Pictures from my trip to Lake Placid (lots of pics)

Got to spend a few days in Lake placid and see the sights. We stayed in the Whiteface Lodge which was probably the nicest place I have ever stayed at. Hiked Mt. Cascade, saw the olympic ice rink where Team USA beat the Russians in 1980 and spent time walking around the area.

here are some shots:

The back of the lodge

and the front…

Hiking Mt Cascade(4098 ft) - the Hike is just over 1900 Ft

Taxidermy shop

Around the town

mirror lake:

hot pics y0!

I played on that Ice Rink once. It was cool.

sick pictures too man, I didnt get to see much when I was there. Its such a nice town that some people yelled at us for cursing as we were walking down the streets.

nice pic…

work must pay you alot more then they are paying me :gotme:

is that a corvette? Nice pics!!

Sepia fucking pwns. Really nice shots :tup:

High res please

Those pics are amazing.

+1 Motivation for me to head out there again this summer / fall :tup:

those are some amazing pics jon :tup:

my aunt lives about a half hour away in elizabethtown. i dont go there as much as i would like to, but i am planning to hit up whiteface mtn. this year for some snowboarding. of all those pictures aqnd you didnt get any of the ski jumps?!?!?! those things are so fucking pimp when u actually get to see them up close.

word. the bobsled track is pimpin too


nice pic…

work must pay you alot more then they are paying me :gotme:


haha nah, It’s my girlfriends parents place that they have every 6 weeks :slight_smile:


my aunt lives about a half hour away in elizabethtown. i dont go there as much as i would like to, but i am planning to hit up whiteface mtn. this year for some snowboarding. of all those pictures aqnd you didnt get any of the ski jumps?!?!?! those things are so fucking pimp when u actually get to see them up close.


I did get a chance to see them, but i didn’t have a chance to get any good shots with them. I really can’t wait until I get an SLR camera or something a little more highend to take some good shots. Still using a 4.0 kodak easy share, which I like, but I want something a little more advanced. :slight_smile:


Those pics are amazing.


email please :slight_smile:

awesome pics :slight_smile:

sweet pics Jon!

Nice Jon!