Pierce your ride


Cant wait till these hit the streets around here… :yernuts: :shit:

Fuck me that shit is sad.

“The Hunger of A New Generation” :finga: :finga:


thats so pathetic, SO EMO :axe:


:wtf: …that’s worse than getting decals on your car(the hideous C-tire ones)

…Just Fucking Wonderful…

When will this rice my ride crud stop? Or is this considered EMO?

“Make My Ride Cry” …

sounds like MTV has a new tv show! :lol:


haha… pierced lip… :lol:

I think that looks sweet, I’m gonna get some for the 180. Or wait, no, I think I would actually sooner sit in a bathtub full of broken glass.

I could see it if you had maybe a ram pickup ?

Thats about the only excuse I could ever give someone.

that is so stupid

Well our cars are getting to those formative 15-16 year old ages, it only natural for them to want to stand out and experiment. Aslong as they stay away from Vehicular Ganja and having unprotected sex with Hondas.

bah hahahahahahaha

Sweet… I want one on my Exhaust :E

I’m going to put one on my driveshaft, prince albert baby!

Guys? Cant you see its all about aerodynamics…? Jeesh. Hell im going to get one on my helmet and my visor and mabye ill just blow a hole in my window too. And if you dont mind sparks flying, they look pretty sweet on your wheels…

we should get one on the emo 240 that way it be complete hehheheh