Pink Floyd is some of the best music ever made.

I was there too… great concert, funny there was a thread about it today

look at the date on the first post.

oh yea, floyd still sucks ballz.

hahaha… didnt even notice that, damn this thread is old.

According to the overrated bands list, no…


  1. The Doors. - Way to let your junkie frontman’s arrogant poetry ruin your band, douchebags!
  2. The Dave Matthews Band. - Your fans all think they have a personal connection with your homosexuality, and they insist on calling you by your first name. That makes me want to punch them in the face.
  3. Pink Floyd. - Too much acid and esoteric lyrics = bad combination.
  4. Muse. - We make prog-rock emo! Emo = bad. Therefore Muse = bad. Take your girl pants and your slit wrists somewhere else, fag.
  5. Steve Miller Band. = How many times can you put the same song on an album with different lyrics?

pink floyd fuckin rocks out loud

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

best band description EvAR!

Pink Floyd - Probably in the top 5 best bands of all time.


nuff said…my fav album to this day is dark side :smiley:

STFU acid was great back in the day :scared:



according to the biggest faggots on the planet list, you are the biggest faggot on the planet.

2)No one else even comes close.

if we cared what you thought, we would have laughed your mary ass off the boards years ago.

I stand corrected. Thanks, Brian.

don’t go getting all mad because your favorite band is a group of mushroom eating, acid tripping, dick sucking faggots.

Floyd sucks balls. My dad used to play it for us when it was bedtime. Everytime a floyd song comes on, I instantly fall asleep.(hoping by the time I wake up, the stupid ass song is over).


If Pink Floyd sucks so bad, what do you listen to that is so good, big guy? I must be missing out on something.

No beef or anything, but seriously… why rip? If you don’t like them, dont look at the thread.

I listen to a bunch of different stuff, floyd isn’t one of them. What I listen to has nothing to do with how much floyd sucks though, so it’s completely irrevelent to this conversation.

and this is off-topic on a public message board, so I can comment on anything I want to.

is it directly proportianal to the amount of faggatority you emit? or maybe the amount of rust holes in your truck :kekegay:
