Pinks cars at Wexford this week!

dont have a sunroof, try again

Quik, you should set up table and charge people for autographs…


Just got back. It was nice and as always a good turnout.

just got back as well. thought it was nice that they had the tv playing the dvd there. a good bit of people watched it.

just got back,great show!

very large turnout, impressed with the quality of cars that showed up tonight.

damm i wish i would have seen this earlier i would have cleaned the rex up and brought it out.

anyone take pictures?

wow I knew you guys beat that stang but after watching the video .holy crap.

Whitey - awesome job on the video!


who has video

I know that john (hayabusa03rx) took some.

my dad shot video down there, then I had some from before working on the car. so i compiled it up into a DVD. Turned out pretty good…

where is this video?

good video whitey…nice setup overall to the pinks crew. You should post the DVD online somewhere :slight_smile:

can i see it or buy a copy

just hold on!dam give the bitch a break!!:smiley:

The DVD will be done shortly. It will be on sale for 15 dollars with a portion of the proceeds going to something for pinks. Probably will help cover the bottle exploding.