Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest

good movie…very reminiscent of the first movie which is one of my favorite “adaptations.”

the plot is solid, the actors are great, but its like the matrix…they make the first one, its a huge success, so they announce two more being simultaneously shot, which means you go into the second one KNOWING its going to be a “cliffhanger” which of course this does

the ending…last 5 seconds…HOLY FUCK…anyone who loved the first pirates movie will either just shout “oh shit”, stand up and yell “oh shit”, or read about it on the internet later and say “oh shit”

HOWEVER, it being 3 in the morning, i didnt stay through the credits…ONLY TO COME HOME AND READ “BE SURE TO STAY TILL THE END OF THE CREDITS”

guess i’ll have to go see it again :lolham:

i rate :tup::tup::tup: + .5 out of :tup::tup::tup::tup:

I think I’m gonna go see it tomorrow sometime… its looks amazing

I thought it was pretty good too, although they could have easily made it about a half hour shorter without ruining it. Some stuff was dragged out too much. I didn’t know there was something at the end of the credits either…damn!

Going tonight at 10:45… I can’t wait to see this movie.

want to go with me :gay2:

its out?!?

We’re suposed to go tonight.

Dressed as a pirate with my wench. :lol:

i love pirates.

I fandango’d ticks for Audios and myself, come along though… You can share my popcorn… :mamoru:

The first one was great, cant wait to see it, im probably going sunday.

I loved the first one. Can’t wait to see this.

9:45 at AMC (maple and sweethome)

taking my little sister to see it in a little bit.

Glad to hear it was good because the EW review on CNN ripped it apart. I don’t put much stock in those though because unless it’s about gay cowboys, they hate it.

The guy on the today show made it sound like it was amazing, reviewers can eat my ass.

945 @ regal

^no. we are going at 10:45

meeting at brew pub at 9:30

omg i hate all of you.

can i change up my tickets?

Call fandango and do it… Or buy new ones and get a refund. I know they will do both…

1045 nikuas

7:15 for me