piss in the pool???

ok, maybe this is wierd, maybe stupid…but i am not the type of guy to just relieve myself in the pool while either I, or anyone else is swimming…its just gross! but recently i had a few friends tell me that they pee in every pool they are in! so now im trying to figure out if im the one thats wierd because i dont or if all my friends are because they like to bath in urine!

so here is the big question!


:rofl: all of cheeks comments last night lol

I pee’d in my hot tub last nite just because…and I wasn’t even in it

I peed in Cheeks hot tub too

I leave babyruths in the pool

hahaha, i officially never want to hang out with you guys again

i also peed in cheeks hot tub



If I’m ever in a pool with you, as soon as I have to pee, I’m swimming over next to you so you can know what it feels like to get peed on

no worries, im never swimming again! haha and i deff just watch the south park “pee” DO YOU WANT THE MAYANS TO BE RIGHT!!!???

im going on a banana only diet!

I pee’d on Cheeks’ head… while he was sitting in a pool.

:rofl: i was looking for that & couldnt find it!

All the time

flapping around in urine sounds fun and have coco butter grease too
yep i went their and fuck you… fuck your urine / skin grease pools

go piss yourself

Do you ever see anybody leave a swim up bar to go to the bathroom?

That is an obvious.

if all people do is piss in the pool, you should consider yourself lucky