Piss On Nissan(rant)

you should still be able to get financed even if youve got a repo under you. i did, twice, and my interest was still under 10% both times. But I did have next to perfect credit before that, so Im not sure what your credit score is in comparison to mine.

how did you get it in gear when you had to stop

open the door and flintstone it until you get it rolling. :smiley:

what he said!!! but no most of the time i didn’t even stop…i wasn’t far from home and knew where the cops sat…i came to 3mph at each stopsign and kept on rolling…but if i got caught at a light i would turn the car off…put it in gear and when it was time to go start her back up

buy a honda


lol at buying a piece of shit car and then bitching about the manufacturer.

my neon stood up so much better than this car with more mileage!!!
anyway…i needed a car to last me 3 months till my plates came back for my neon…financial situations and life had me on a plummet towards the ground…friend wrecked neon so i was stuck with the nissan until the neon gets fixed…
Shit happens

so you’re blaming Nissan. BRILLIANT!

nobodies blaming nissan…the thread title simply got attention.

If you said this to Smokeyassturd’s face he would bitch slap your ugly face…then he would run home and cry


and yes, they do suck balls. they do have an important role in the automobile industry though, once you have a cobalt you realize that you never again want such a shitty car and then spend more money on a real car. :smiley:



curly straight??
