
another fucking rant… i dunno… i’ve been getting pissed at work lately… … my job is to maintain a network and implement new systems into it… easy right…

so some attorney stops me and asks me to help… .it’s not my job to help users, as it’s my job to maintain the network and have the techs help the user… but fuck it right… as if anything would take longer than 30 seconds and a reboot right.

so it’s some fucking retarded website… you have to pay to be a member, then you log on and have to pay for these ‘sessions’… which are shitty ass quality audio files…

so the files won’t play… i try my machine they do…w tf? so i try xp sp1 mp9 / xp sp1 media player 10, xpsp2 and mp7-10… still getting an IE error… so i take off ALL security… still the error… so i uninstall IE 6sp2… uninstall xpsp2 and install ie6sp1 with mp7-10… no avail… so i get fucking pissed, put back on xpsp2 and ie6 then install opera, firefox, maxthon and netscape… all to no avail… mother fucking bullshit won’t work. hack the f’ing registry to make the computer think IE isnt’ installed so i can flush settigns, like the default bullshit active x shit and all, and it still acts like dick. i mean, i’ve done it all at this point.

so i get into ti… fucking third party codecs and all…fuicking bullshit… so anyway… i get pissed becuase the ‘session’ is at 1 today and here i am fucking aorund with this shit for 3 days now… call tech support… mother fuckers talk to me like i’m 2 years old… "did you try to disable pop ups? " she asked… FUCKING SHIT! i’ve fucking fucked with everything imaginable to man here lady… i’m like “gimme the engineer”… argue for 10 minutes and get the engineer… he asks me to review my security settings in IE… WTF, so apease him and he’s like “has to be your firewall” … MEANWHILE if i take this fuckign computer to an open DSL line it still fucks up AND my computer is behind my fucking firewall and it works!!! ahhhhh

who the fuck hires these assholes…

it’s hilarious taht people pay for a site, then pay for files and when they don’t work and call in for help, the ‘techs’ know cookiecutter troubleshooting and are not the least bit helpful. at least they didn’t stumble over english like any other third world support.

i’m pissed today…


i know :gives: but if someone is bored enough they’ll read it all… and it’s rather humerous, as i’m severly pissed off at life.

LOL did they ask if you want a squishy with that support :smiley:

i read it!

i need 2 parts whiskey to 1 part coffee to continue working here.

I got black bush and it’s only 10 min from your work…
calll it an early day?

& whined about it! :burnout:

:slight_smile: :slight_smile: ++++stay positive++++++ :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:


haha i’m over that shit… onto new issues already…like software licensing :madfawk:

would you just start smoking again so we don’t have to read rant after rant about your job :D:D

i was equally as pissed when smoking cigs.

glad to see ur still the same!!