Pitbulls aint got sh!t on these...


Why not? Dogs where bread selectively from wolves, as cats where from wild cats…this is the same thing only it hasn’t been hundreds of years yet. Give it time and who knows maybe you will be able to get a specific color or size.

I’d want one now…they are so bad looking, I’d only want it from a puppy though, I think it would become attached to my shepard/rottie and learn from him.


They are not demesticated animals. They still have alot of animal instinct, which makes them VERY dangerous and unperdictable. When my dad was young his aunt had a pet wolf. She raised it from a pup but had to get rid of it because it kept trying to challenge family members to advance it’s rank in the “pack”. They are cool animals, don’t get me wrong…but NOT meant to be pets. The reason dogs are awsome pets is because of thousands of years of breeding and domestication. Interesting fact, if you take a few pigs, like say one you would find on a farm, and release it into them into the wild, wichin only a few generations they revert back to wild boar status. Long brissely hair, tusks…the whole 9 yards. Pigs are cool lol.