Pitman Files: US economy: Say good-bye to your expectations

“While Russian liberals are criticizing the academic concept of Sergei Glazyev intended to increase the government’s role in the crisis period and abandon the idea of privatization, the ideal of free-market theoreticians, the U.S. economy is showing signs of imminent collapse. Obama has already acknowledged that the sequestration will adversely impact the defense and quality of life.”

i hope my quality of life doesnt decrease.

“in addition to social programs, sequestration may significantly weaken the U.S. defense, thousands of military will be laid off, and the march of the aircraft carrier group to the Persian Gulf will have to be postponed.”

weaken the defense? wtf

WTF is right, but not with the article but with you.

You wonder why your empty “threads of fear” get no replies or views? Because most of the time it’s empty BS opinions and predictions.

Keep looking at BS sources and freak out, we will go on with our merry lives.

PRAVDA Aka “truth” newspaper is Russian government owned propaganda paper. Always been.

The “cuts” in defense are simply to the increase in budget. Our defense is fine and sequester is bullshit.

The sequester is not bs it will decrease DOD budget dramatically. Just on a local level i may face a furlough losing 20% of my hours…

pitman, i really want to meet you… i really want to see what you drive, where you live, how you dress, if you have cable television in your house, where you work and your day to day routine… you just wierd the fuck out of me… in 1 way i feel you really are just a broke dude with nothing who has no fucks to give and really believes what he says and in the other, i feel like youve got 8000 troy ounces of gold stashed under your floor boards and make us/the government think your some broke fuck someone shouldnt have in there radar.

hahaha im with you dave! pitman should get the shift518 most interesting man award

DOD’s funding NEEDS top be decreased, one of the main reasons we are where we are is because of the ridiculous overspending on military bullSHIT.


I agree with the other in this thread. Its a bunch of overhyped nonsense. We already spend way too much, they are just decreasing the increases…a little.

Yeah except they end up cutting in all the wrong places, for example the Marine Corps has cut all tuition assistance for active duty after this semester. That’s just fucked, its basically like saying fuck you, you can’t have an education.

Oh definitely, the active spending on fighting is what needs to be cut. US needs to deal with shit at home for a little while, enough helping the dickheads over there. Protect our shit, help our own people, and not dick over the dudes that were fighting these dumbass wars. The fact that someone who served for 4+ years can’t get a job doing what they were doing in the service alone, without having to go to school for another 4 years, is so stupid.

+rep Benny. I was in for 3 and a half years with a 13 month combat deployment and it seems like being a veteran hurts me more than helps me.

This is not meant to sound insensitive.

But it really does feel like the only benefits veterans are getting these days are a free meal at Applebee’s on Veterans Day.

Agreed. For what we spend on our military budget, and what our troops make is a fucking embarassment. There should also be more perks after a serviceman finishes his tours and is released.

We need to get our fucking nose out of everyone else’s business.

There are a fair amount of benefits out there actually, its just being able to use them or get ahold of veterans affair rep. The main office for the northeast os located in Buffalo and if you ever try to call (speaking from experience) you generally leave a message and hear back a week or so later, especially with education benefits!

Exactly. It shouldn’t be that hard. IMO if you are putting your life on the line for me, you deserve to be treated better than everyone else when you return home. It shouldn’t be a game of jumping through hoops.

I know i didnt do it to be treated better than anyone. I picked my path and you picked yours.

Just my opinion. I know damn well I wouldn’t go out of my way to do half the shit you guys do. I just feel you get the short end of the stick upon returning.

Oh i agree with you, I wasnt trying to come off as a dick or anything. Like USMC said there are alot of great programs its just a long process. All the skills we posses as veterans are things you would think employers want to see on a resume, but as i said earlier being a veteran seems to shy employers away.


Thank god someone knows what they are talking about

Tell that to all dod employees losing 20% of their pay

Talk to the boys in charge why a cut in the increase of discretionary spending is going to the work force instead of other bloated projects. Anybody I know in the military is always very open about the absurd amount of money and man power being wasted in useless exercises and bureaucratic mess where by the time a project/mission is finally ready to execute it’s already irrelevant.

Gotta love the F35 project: already at a cost of $400 billion, it’s the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history. Projected cost is near a trillion by the time it’s done and maintained. Best part of all? 1/4 will be sold to countries overseas and with the drones in US inventory and no more dog fights it’s already useless.

Cost: $400 billion

Sequester cuts to DOD : $47 billion

But F35 is “too big to fail”


But hey everybody wants those government funds, and when the cuts happen they don’t cut it from the big projects but stick it to the low man on the totem pole.

The only reason Republicans allowed the proverbial balls of both parties being chopped off with the sequester is because the cuts weren’t traumatic to the overall picture, it was cuts in increase of budget. The cuts just happen to get passed down onto you instead of cancelling anything “important to our nation safety”