Pitman Files: US economy: Say good-bye to your expectations

Talk to the boys in charge why a cut in the increase of discretionary spending is going to the work force instead of other bloated projects. Anybody I know in the military is always very open about the absurd amount of money and man power being wasted in useless exercises and bureaucratic mess where by the time a project/mission is finally ready to execute it’s already irrelevant.

Gotta love the F35 project: already at a cost of $400 billion, it’s the most expensive weapons system in U.S. history. Projected cost is near a trillion by the time it’s done and maintained. Best part of all? 1/4 will be sold to countries overseas and with the drones in US inventory and no more dog fights it’s already useless.

Cost: $400 billion

Sequester cuts to DOD : $47 billion

But F35 is “too big to fail”


But hey everybody wants those government funds, and when the cuts happen they don’t cut it from the big projects but stick it to the low man on the totem pole.

The only reason Republicans allowed the proverbial balls of both parties being chopped off with the sequester is because the cuts weren’t traumatic to the overall picture, it was cuts in increase of budget. The cuts just happen to get passed down onto you instead of cancelling anything “important to our nation safety”