Pitt game tomorrow

I have an extra ticket.

and I hate college football.

but Amanda + I have to take her 14 year old cousin.

great story…am i gonna get that minute back ??

are you saying you have an extra ticket to give away or you had one and you now have to take her little cousin??

you can’t read and lift weights at the same time? i thought you’d have a Pocket PC phone strapped to a weight bar by now.

i have an extra ticket.


if i could figure out how to… itd be on :beer:

anyone want to go? otherwise i’m just going to take someone who hates college football as much as i do.

PITT sucks

true story

me! :boink

call me early in the AM, I am a student and i am going down to tailgait

It’s Penn State’s by-week…

good game.

I make fun of Pitt all year, randomly go to one game, and they decimate Connecticut 24-0. Palko’s a much better passer than I gave him credit for, his receivers just have stone hands.

Eight rows from the field = teh win. Two of our tickets were for section 108, the other two were for 219… we all sat in 108… Connecticut played a much better game than the score reflects, and their punters boot the shit out of the ball.