Pitt gets a new logo

problem is pitt alums actaully go out beyond pittsburgh and become successful while PSU alumn stay home in their trailers and go to pennstate games every saturday.

take a look at morgantown and state college, there is nothing else to do but go to football games. Pittsburgh has several colleges, pro football, baseball and hockey… some families cant afford to spread their money to every sporting event and all the other entertainment options of a city and pitt usually sees that short end of the stick. i’ve had season tix 97-2000 and 03-current. i’m not a pitt alum but i love my home town team and i have a great time at the games for next to nothing.

Come on Cutty. I want to root for the school I’m an Alum from too and all, but please. There are Penn State graduates all over the country, and it is a very successful school. While its close, but not quite, the level of academic institution that Pitt is, you can’t bash it and say that all those people have nothing better to do.

WVU on the other hand, having a degree from there? Shit, you might as well get one in the mail with a picture of David Hasselhoff on it.

I agree with both of you…Penn State is a really good school and they have some loyal fans (football wise). Pitt is also a really good school but does not have the fan base penn state has (football wise…hoops is another story). But Cutty has a good point about locations…what the fuck is going on around state college other than college stuff…Pitt is in the middle of a city with a ton of stuff going on…where one of the most popular pro football teams plays so you have to be an idiot not to realize the fan base should be less. I grew up in Pittsburgh and graduated from Pitt so I will always say Pitt>PSU sports wise.

a PITT player made the cover of the NCAA football playstation game. i didnt see PSU on there ever.
the basketball team has been very solid, given that its not exactly the biggest school. i mean, we get frustrated that they usually dont make it past the elite 8, but they are always in the tournament, atleast. The Pete rocks when we are playin at home, and PITT football had a few good years and has had some players go on to get some NFL notoriety recently. if you think that its a gimmick because the schools sports teams arent good, then you are a total retard. the old school look is sweet, but if they went back to that, you faggots would say that was a gimmick too, so stfu

is it a coincidence that it ryhmes to say pitt is shit?


gay as someone who ballrides a 85 trans am

haha…I love the 3 gens…one of my dream cars is the 89 GTA with 3.8 turbo

penn state still suck!!! but that is only since i am a pitt graduate lol
i like the original old school Pitt logo best the logo only gets worse with age lol

your right pitt is better than pennstate in many athletics When it comes to football psu > pitt sure the last few years have been rough but look at over all championships !

also yes pennstate is out in the sticks but they also have alot more campuses in major citys around PA.
Also psu is harder to get into acedemic wise your need a 3.9gpa to get into main campus. Sure there are alot of majors that pitt is better than pennstate but overall pennstate is a better shool. Alot more to offer different peope hte campus at pennstate is alot prettier and bigger than pitt and doesnt have trashy bums fromthe city nor helicopters and dirty mastransit runnign around everywhere. the chime is alot less at penstate too. Plus its harder to get into and has a better average of sucessfull and graduating seniors between the two schools. Im not hating on pitt its a good school just overall not as good as pennstate.

of course everyone is going to say psu sucks because you all live in pittsburgh and want to support your hometown but get real.

thats a big difference from a turded carb’d 305

i think a lot of it has to deal with what people major in. if you screw around and take basket weaving at any school and graduate in Beer Brewing. then yes you will have a lower sucess rate conpared to people who worked hard during college years. you only get as much out of school as you put into your studies while there

go back to old logo. on that note, anyone know wher ei can get a old style hoodie at> i had one, a relative took it. got it freshman yr of college, last yr of the logo

Please…this is the typical smug ass PSU attitude…that is why Pitt hates PSU


for the record, im not down playin PSU. i like PITT better, obviously, but basically all im saying is if you think PITT sucks and they have to keep changing their logo to try to ‘one up PSU’ or ‘stay competative’, then you are an idiot.

At least with respect to the Pitt football program, yes they obviously do have to keep attempting new gimmicks as obviously they need to do all they can to try to sell their product. In case you hadn’t noticed, there are quite a lot of college teams playing packed stadiums nearly twice the size of Heinz field every week with plenty more fans eager to get their hands on tickets. These same fans buy up tons of merchandise and also watch the games on TV, which produces better ratings and brings in higher advertising dollars for the networks, which in turn leads to the games getting placed in more prominent places on the television schedules. Pitt plays to a partially filled stadium and when televised the games are generally on local broadcasts at odd times due to the low demand for the product.

Ticket sales and television deals are nedded to bring in the huge money needed to keep up with the support facilities for the sports programs to entice new recruits. Pitt does have it good that they are paired up with the Steelers so they are not necessarily needing to be self sufficient in that regard and still have very nice facilities (although a small stadium). However, huge crowds and prime time nationally televised games are just as much if not more of an attraction for new recruits which Pitt is lacking compared to many other schools.

well PITTs campus is alot different from most too. its in the middle of the city. its not out in the middle of nowhere where its like the whole college is its own community. a few years ago when Rod and L Fitz were there and we were playin pretty solid, that stadium was packed and it was a hard ticket in town. just like with anything in Pittsburgh, when you are winning, ppl come. if you struggle, you get your hardcore fans. also, with the big east changing around, it kinda hurt us for football as far as playin some of the more prominent teams every year.

yeah i had one before some girl took it!

you got to go to the vender on the corner of Forbes and Bigelow.

On the note of the Logo, it looks like a homosexual kitten, not a panther.

haha, i wasnt going to get involved, but this is ridiculous.

the people that go to the games dont live in state college. they only sell 20,000 tickets to students, so that is roughly 85,000 tickets to people traveling in town or the people that do live there. People travel into town to see the games, they dont live there. saying they dont become successful is just stupid. think about what you are saying. I am a fan of both, Pitt and Penn State, i dont talk bad about either one. Pitt should not have a problem selling 65,000 tickets to their games, with students and alums together. people just dont travel back into town, that the difference.