Pitt gets a new logo

12-0 nuff said… stop being pussies and play PITT. on a side note didnt report just come out that penn state had the highest percentage of cheating amound student than any college in the country?

and about pitt students going to games. well its not as convient as it was when pitt stadium was on campus. hlaf the time students are drunk and cant make it to the game. Also a lot of pitt student dont’ have cars on campus because oakland is a nightmare to park and they dont have a ride to the game. who really wants to ride a bus? those aren’t excuses but they are reasons the students are in full force at all the games.

yeah, lazyness, whats wrong with riding the bus? if you care for the school and want to support it go to the game…

12-0 is all the needs to be said.

while i hate ron cook this is a good article

again, that doesnt really matter.

what was the overall record between the two?

how many runs did the 60 yankees out score the pirates by in the world series? doesnt matter. pirates won… doesn;t matter pitt won. i mean i could say well pitt won 9 national championships… doesn;t matter… all that matters until they play again is 12…NOTHING!

yeah, paterno being 23-7-1 against pitt means nothing, your right

anyways like i said i am also a pitt fan, this thread is about the new logo…

im not crazy about it, but it will grow on me, not too bad

he might be 23-7-1 but he aint 24-6-1…

That article just adds more reasons to why Penn State shouldn’t do any favors for Pitt by agreeing to anything less than a 2 for one situation. Penn State could schedule a high school team from Ohio and still have over 100,000 seats filled. Pitt on the other hand, as I’ve mentioned, cannot fill up 60,000 seats against a midlevel college team. Also those filled seats at Penn State carry a higher price than those at Pitt. Also, back when the Pitt/Penn State series was going on Pitt was notorious for packaging other games in with the Penn State game so the PSU fans had to buy worthless tickets for crap games in order to get the one ticket they wanted.

Don’t worry, they’ll switch it up again in a year or two

fuck that elitist attiude. fuck penn state then. they shouold be so lucky to play a 9 TIME NATIONAL CHAMPION like PITT. win some more national championships then come try again… FAGGOTS.

Nothing elitist about it. Simple economics.

sometimes the wallet has to take a back seat to pride. Penn state has no pride cause its sittin in pitt’s pocket. if they never play again it will always be the last one that people remember.

screw bics and his garage queen red ws6