Pittspeed 3.0 is in the mix

I was just thinking the other day about an interactive chat feature… that would be cool. Since not everyone has AIM, and sometimes the AOL chat room blows (like last night). :slight_smile:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
Since not everyone has AIM,


I have it… but I’m sure some people don’t… :wink:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
I was just thinking the other day about an interactive chat feature… that would be cool. Since not everyone has AIM, and sometimes the AOL chat room blows (like last night). :slight_smile:

ahh then it might list the site as a chat through a smart filter and it may be blocked for some poeple that may view it at work???

like i can get onto pittspeed fine
but ls1tech.com comes up blocked for some reason

yes, but the chat should be separate from the forum itself.

(if you are at work what are you doing playing on the internet anyways??? :wink: )

let’s try to keep this on-topic, shall we?

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
we need a bullshit filter…

like some kind of sophisticated A.I. that sifts through all the posts…

and deletes most of BlueZ28’s…

& ALL OF URS!!!:slight_smile:

Originally posted by ShalerPunk
we need a bullshit filter…

like some kind of sophisticated A.I. that sifts through all the posts…

and deletes most of BlueZ28’s…

Like your not 10 times more annoying than anyone else on here.:mad:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
let’s try to keep this on-topic, shall we?

If I could delete all the off-topic posts I would… :mad:

Originally posted by huskysgrl
yes, but the chat should be separate from the forum itself.

(if you are at work what are you doing playing on the internet anyways??? :wink: )

cool if it works!!!

i didnt say it was me at work its my friend yeah thats it…aslong as hes stil able to log on then im i mean he’s game for whatever

yea i like this board.

If you guys wanted to go big and have alot of members i say have a car wash someone popular in Pittsburgh and you will have alot of members join and raise more money for the site and cause. Thats just an opinion though.

What is it with you and washing cars?

i barely wash my car… let alone other people… we need some smuts in pittspeed bikini’s washing cars… !!!

Well do it. Cause you get 10 bucks a wash cuz thats whats up. Get some HOT girls to wash cars then. But i’m sayin people will pay for bad ass girls wearing almost nothing to wash cars.

he likes the old guys checking him out in his speedo :bowrofl:

HEY front office board just trying to help shaggy. Really no foolin around on this section just saying gives a chance to spread the name of the web-site. Bring in more people. More people more money. more money more whats the popular term these days CHEDDER.

what the hell are you talking about :tool:

yeah, seriously

you guys want money to expand the website to get more bandwidth and for more features for a better site. In order to do that you have to throw your name out. Its a rather simple concept. More money=better site. But nevermind if not i guess i’ll just shut-up since i just don’t know what i’m talking about.