Pittspeed.com BBQ! Date Info!

Put me up for plates

Think there already is plates.

the more the marrier, unless someone plans on bringing a crap load.

I was going to aim to bring 150 of each. Well, more napkins than that but they’re cheap. I know how messy some of yunz are.

Sorry about that, looked they weren’t taken. I’ll bring something else then, like juice boxes and I’ll bring the whole complement of grill utensils.

pictures look awesome! This should be a great time!

If i can make it, Ive got soccerballs out the ass, frisbee… and jut about anything else… no good footballs tho :frowning:

updated first post with pictures I took today at the park. Let me stress how nice this place is.

wow, that seems like a very nice little setup!

all seems like fun, I would really like to come out and represent the n00bs. There is no hazing is there?

I highly doubt it since alot of people dont know faces (kinda). Name tags will be in full effect though.

pooter may get topless and try making out with you…:weak:

update directions up.

im gonna try and roll out with solowextreme anyone know if their is anything i can bring??

x2. Ill be coming up also. its like a total ten minute drive from my house.

check first post, from that list is what we need.

I’m in…Sounds fun

yes u can roll out with us zach:)

put me down for 15 dollars worth of hot dogs


We still need a grill, I can bring everything else but I can’t fit the grill itself in mine or my wife’s car.