Pittspeed Politics - v. GOP/DEM/Primaries/Ron Paul

How about Ron Paul wanting to abolish the IRS and replace it with a 0% tax

That’s the Fair Tax.

From what I understand about it:

  1. You would actually receive your WHOLE paycheck.
  2. All taxes (including SS) would come out of this 23%.
  3. Only new purchases would be taxed (used cars would be exempt for example).
  4. Underground economy would now be taxed (Drugs, Gambling, etc.)
  5. Corporations would not pay any income tax.
  6. Low wage earners would receive “rebate” checks from the government to help offset paying the 23%.

Supposedly, the 23% would equal the same amount of revenue that the government currently takes in. Since corporations and business would now be paying WAY less taxes, they would have to (because of competition) lower prices on goods and services which would benefit consumers and begin to offset the 23% increase. Also, this would create a much better “business climate” and jobs that have been sent overseas would start coming back INTO this country.

I dunno if it’d work like they say, but anything’s gotta be better than the IRS right?

Everybody would like to see that, but how realistic of an idea do you think that really is?

Not having taxes and voting for Ron Paul are both dumb :ugh2:

we would be a laughing stalk with a president named huckabee… the jokes are endless. he doesnt have that presidental look/ presense. One thing about clinton, he was a man of stature and was charismatic, he looked the part of a president… Romney has that quality. To the people that carefully look over the facts its not a big thing but to those people that are last minute and realize a presidental election is next week they vote based on things like that, a face, name recognition, etc… If i’m someone who gets to the pool knowing nothing about the canidates i’d laugh if i saw a name like huckabee. lets face it, those people on JAYWALKING…are everywhere… these are the people i am talkin about.

I doubt the IRS will ever go away, along with taxes.

Whether or not it’s feasible to rid ourselves of the scourge called the IRS matters not. It is unconstitutional and hampers productivity. It is our duty as a people to force our servant government to comply with our demands.

Many people think it would be difficult or impossible to eliminate the IRS, and choose not to vote and not to speak out against the IRS. For this reason, the minority who does speak out in favor of taxation, appears to be the majority. Make your voice heard, and make your vote count. Get off the couch, this is our country.

In closing, a little bit of the Declaration for inspiration. It makes me tingly in places that rarely see sunlight.

Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

completely realistic. All you would have to do is cut government spending back to the levels it was at in the year 2000.

:rofl: on Ron Paul eliminating taxes all together. Thats like the kid who runs for class president in grade school, and promises ice cream for lunch and all day recess.

only you can make it happen. Remember, the government is supposed to work for you, not the other way around. It’s funny, people bitch and bitch about how horrible the govt. is and how much they hate it. Well listen up assholes, here’s your chance to change it. Do everything you can to support Dr. Ron Paul.

Get Pissed.

Get Involved.

Get Even.


Is there any more land for sale down there in bumpkinland? I’d like to live somewhere that the only tax you pay is Federal Income Tax.


You sir, have smoked yourself retarded.

this may very well be true, but my point stands.

The federal income tax is just a small part of the way the federal government brings in money.

Ron Paul has my vote.

Are some of his ideas a bit “radical?” Sure, but it doesn’t mean they’re impossible by any means.

many of his ideals seem radical because things are so fucked up right now that radical measures need to be taken to get the country back on the right track.

Awesome, I’m glad you came over from the Huckside.

And I might add to your second comment that his ideas only appear radical because we have strayed so far from our beginnings. The U.S Government has created so many unconstitutional bureaucracies, that anyone who mentions eliminating a few seems unreasonable because it’s so different from what we know. It doesn’t sound radical because it can’t work or because it hasn’t already worked in this country in the past. It only seems crazy, because we’re so far off track, that getting back on seems too hard.

Whoa, whoa - I was never voting for Huckabee, I just thought the Norris-approved ad was funny; that whole thread was a joke.

Also, I’m aware of the state of the country when compared to his ideals, that’s why I used the quotes around the word radical, I was suggesting that they’re not truly that way, only perceived that way.

Barry Goldwater Jr. is on board, w00t.

he’s been on board for some time now, but :bowdown: nonetheless.