Pittspeed Politics - v. GOP/DEM/Primaries/Ron Paul

Ron Paul is racist?


That story might be older than the internet.

When I was out of Congress and practicing medicine full-time, a newsletter was published under my name that I did not edit. Several writers contributed to the product. For over a decade, I have publically taken moral responsibility for not paying closer attention to what went out under my name.

At the best, it strikes me as being pretty careless for someone we want to be president.

He was out of politics and had a business to run. Apparently someone was smearing him while he wasn’t looking.

not that I have anything against him by any means, but can he even win?

i didnt know much about him till last night. he seems like a loon.

SP71Supra;648896]not that I have anything against him by any means, but can he even win?[/QUOTE]

he got 3x the vote of Rudy 9/11 in Iowa, ran neck and neck with him and Huckajesus in New Hampshire.

Two “mainstream” candidates, supposedly. He doesn’t stand a HUGE chance of winning the GOP nomination, but I dont think that he really wants to anyways. It plays much better for him as an independent. Imagine Romney or McCain or Huskajesus win’s the nomination and Obama or Hillary get the Democratic nomination.

There will be ton’s of Republicans that hate their nominee after their candidate loses. Their choices will be vote for a Dem, and a black one or a woman at that… or RON PAUL. Same thing on the Dem side. Imagine an Obama/Clinton ticket. A woman at the helm and a black man one bullet away from it. So if you’re a Dem and you cant vote for them, and the other option is a pro-war or a Jesus sucking Republican, RON PAUL is looking like a damn fine choice.

He is hugely popular among independents. Took over 21% of them in the Iowa primary. If he can score big with the independents, and can steal enough from the Dems and Repub’s, he could VERY MUCH WIN. Especially with his level of grassroots support and HUGE fundraising success.

And don’t pay any attention to the racism stuff. This has all been circulated the last time he ran for Congress 10 years ago or so. It’s all horseshit and is only being brought up now in the media because of his strong showings in Iowa and New Hampshire. The media has treated him like TOTAL dogshit. This is just another notch in their belts. Kudos to Jay Leno for having him on the tonight show to allow him the forum to talk since he got blacklisted from the Fox News debates.

How am I not surprised?

if you can stop and the run and keep randy moss wes welker and donte stallworth in check and get pressure on brady you can beat the patriots… but its unlikely to happen. Sure all the stuff you said COULD happen for RP to win but it wont.

i’m not concered with his politics as much as i am with his presence, stature and presentation as someone who could possibly be the top representative of the US to the rest of the world.

May as well put up some Hilary fun.

and this is why you are an idiot. He’s 100000000x better of a representative than Bush, he wants to end welfare which I know you would like, he’ll give you a 30% raise at work and he’ll let you smoke all of the Indo you can put in your pipe. Just vote for him and try not to think to hard or else you might get a headache…

True, 10% is 3x better than 3.5%, but it’s not 34%. And neck and neck for 3rd-5th place. Doing better or close to someone near the bottom doesn’t do much good. Unless he can find “his” states.

“his” states are not states. They are millions of disenfranchised voters, the youth vote, Libertarians, independent voters, anti-Obama/Hillary dems, anti-war, anti-NeoCon Conservatives, etc. One of the main problems is that the media breaks everything down into 30 second soundbites. So you hear “he wants to get rid of the Dept of Education and the Fed” and thats is. It sounds crazy, but if you actually go on Youtube and hear him explain WHY he wants to do this, it doesnt seem crazy, it seems like common sense.

Just gotta get the message out there, and he’ll have the money to do it. And he should be polling nationally high enough to be included in the Presidential Debates.

You’re right, the person who is the leader of the free world should be charismatic, attractive, and have good stature.

The voting record, experience and platform are really pretty useless in deciding who should run the country…

Using your logic to decide how to cast your vote is destroying this country from the inside out.

see this is so perfect… the way you treat me is the same way he is treated by the rest of the canidates and the media… like a joke, no matter what he says, can’t win. You need to get off ur self imposed high horse to have a legitamate conversation. But sure i like some of his ideas like you said. We definetly do not need any more pot smoking hippies so i definetly don’t like that. I’m not some dumb ass college kid thats gonna jump on some bandwagon thats headed nowhere. people running for class presidents garantee stuff they can’t deliver on all the time.

here is what matters to me as a voter:

my safety
gas prices
health care
my taxes

my taxes and my safety are affected by people pouring over the boarder from mexico, i want a person who wants to stop it and stop giving the burden of these people to the tax payers. if my taxes are goin to fund roads and such, fine, not people who force me to have to press 1 for english! I want a canidate that wants to relieve the healthcare costs to those of us who don’t get it from our employer but don’t wanna sit on our ass at home and collect a check. Lastly i want a canidate who doesnt bow down to these enviromental **** faces and starts doing some drilling and gets some damn refineries built. THATS WHAT I WANT!

alternative fuel vehicals is not an answer. hybrid cars aren;t common enough yet to put a huge dent in the thing, not everyone has the money to run out and buy one. i want a canidate to come out and say the real answer and that is to drill on our land. nuclear power along with drilling and alternative fuel is the answer. No one has the balls to say it becasue they are scared of the enviromental extorsionists. Fuck those people, let them cry and pout and stomp their feet. They are holding the country hostage over something that is a fairytale.

applying the standard for voting for the class president in 8th grade to electing the leader of the free world FTW!!!


uhh you didnt listen. you need someone that has all those things u said above (voting record, experience, platform, charismatic, stature, presence) BIll clinton, like his politics or not, was a leader that could get respect world wide. He spoke well, knew how to deal with people. george bush doesnt speak well, doesn;t give you taht felling of strength. Ronald regan had the politics and the abilities that clinton had (probably because of his acting experience) that made him successful.

Finally you make a thread that isnt a joke. So I shall treat it accordingly.

here is what matters to me as a voter:

my safety
gas prices
health care
my taxes

Ron Paul on Immigration:

Ron Paul wants to bring back the troops from Iraq… and everywhere else in the world. The giant bases in Germany, Japan, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, etc… We dont need those. We are the only country that has military bases in other people’s countries. It’s American imperialism and one of the big reasons why we spend more on our military than all other nations in the world combined. Free up that money and you can have more cops, more border patrol agents, etc. Dr. Paul wants to massively downsize the federal govt and get it back to where the founding fathers envisioned it. If we take all of the money that we are wasting on bloated, ineffective govt. bureaucracies and put it to use to do things that we NEED to do, then this country would be a much better, much safer place.

Also, Ron Paul seems to be the only person that wants to listen to the terrorists. They have told us REPEATEDLY why they hate us. It’s not because we are free and prosperous, it’s because we have bases in their region and support Israel. Want to end the war on terrorism? Make the terrorists not want to kill us anymore. We can do that by withdrawing from the region, stop propping up Israel, stop the rhetoric of “axis of evil” and shit like that… If we do that, in 10 years America will be completely off the map as a terrorist target.

As far as pot smoking hippies, I dont know anyone that really wants to smoke weed but says “well, it’s illegal so I wont.” If you want to, you already are. And you’re not hurting anyone else by doing it. You may not care much for pot smoking liberals, but It’s not right for you to want to imprison them because you don’t like their political ideals. If you do, then you’re dancing precariously with facism.

As far as gas is concerned… Alternative fuels are the answer, but they are not the short term answer. The real problem is everyone driving around in their gas guzzling trucks and SUV’s. Interesting fact. If the AVERAGE gas mileage of all cars in America went up by 2 or 3 MPG, we’d be completely independent from mid-east oil. If you really need a truck or SUV thats one thing. If you could get along just fine in a Camry, do it.

i agree with tellin israel to go fist themselves but there are way too many rich jewish people in this country to ever let that happen. i dont thik there is much we can do about that. personally holy land or not, i dont give a rats ass about their beef with the palestinians, let them fight forever.

i’ll agree too much money is spent in gov but not the same area you believe. If we drilled into land we own that we know has oil we’d be independent from mid east oil because we only get a small percentage of our oil from there anyway. where as you think the problem is people driving large unefficient vehicals i think the problems is the people who want to impose their love of trees on someones right to buy the vehical of their choice. i’m not sayin ur a tree hugger, i’m sayin this small group of people has got their foot on the throat of the right to drive a Suburban. While its that persons choice to buy a vehical that takes alot of gas, it doesn;t have to be costing as much as it does. While you could say those people need to stop cryin about gas prices becasue they chose that vehical, i say they have a legit gripe because there is no need for gas to be the prices it is.

as far as the pot smokers… you are right, people that wanna smoke are gonna smoke regardless. its the people on the fence that wouldn;t do it because its illegal but would try it if it was and possibly get addicted and have that lead to other stuff. sure thats an extreme case but its a legit issue. Could they come up with some test for driving while under the influence of marijuana? i mean that has to contribute to some accidents.

Bill Clinton was far from the worst President we’ve ever had. In terms of domestic policy and quality of life, he seemed to do the country well. However, he did sell U.S. Military secrets to the Chinese, and the Monica Lewinsky crap was mostly a cover up to keep the prying eyes away from his real scandal(s).

“We know that Chinese officials chose to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars in the 1996 re-election of the Clinton administration. What we don’t know is what they expected to gain from that investment,” Goss said.


This country needs an honest, consistent, principled leader. I don’t know if we’ve had one since JFK. We know he had principles because of his actions. We know he refused to compromise them because he had powerful and influential enemies.

As far as your wants:
my safety
-This should not interfere with essential liberty, Ron Paul opposed the Patriot Act from the beginning. We need to protect our own borders, the 700 bases in 130 countries are not helping this.

gas prices
-The President does not “set” prices, but his influence could help. I think if we would GTFO of the Middle East they may come down. Our presence certainly hasn’t made oil any cheaper.

health care
-How is this the President’s job? Vote for Hilary if you want socialized medicine, or move to an Indian reservation and try to get government treatment there, then tell me you still want the government to handle your health care.

my taxes
-You want health care, subsidized oil prices, and a strong military, and lower taxes…wouldn’t we all.

are u implying by my statement i was sayin clinton was bad? if anything that was a compliment.

i know the president doesnt set gas prices, tell that to the people who think george bush does. the president does have an effect on where and how we get get our oil thou.

i definetly dont want socialized medicine. the quality would suffer. Business however are beating the system by employing two people to work a job part time instead of having a full time person and paying them benifits. if businesses have to ante-up for all their employees this would relieve healthcare costs on the people out their bustin their balls everyday, not sitting home collecting a check. i believe a president and congress could help greatly with that.

on paper , sure i want lower taxes, i didnt say i wanted lower taxes thou. I said i’m sick of paying for illegal immagrants. I dont have a problem with the taxes i am paying that go towards the benifit of citizens of this country. whether that be roads, police, etc… in the same breath i’m tired of the burdeen of ghetto baby machines and trailer park heroin addicts.