here are some Pix that i took while i was down in New mexico. I resized the pix, but the quality became krappy, but you get the general idea.
This is a pic of a random tree that was outside of my cousins house
view from their street
random shot of dude on his bike -btw 75% of bikers dont wear helmets there
random shots of the homes there
Tram docking area
Tram about to dock
pic from the tram- getting higher and higher
chillin in the tram
even higher
the girls
the boys and girls
downtown Santa Fe
my body 1/2 chopped off… - Santa Fe
group pic
sooo cool
niice sky
simply beautiful - breath taking
oh ya and when i was walking around ontop of that mountian i walked to the side of the trail and found a cliff with like a 3000 foot drop infront of me
and the mayor wants to buy the springfeild isotopes
looks like a good group of people, bet you had more fun in mexico than any of us will ever know :lol:
P.S. if i had a dollar everytime i saw a guy from a canadian car club website wearing an opel jersey in various parts of mexico… id probly only have one dollar
Our club may only have 2 girls in it, but atleast they’re good looking. :thumright:
Unlike that damn chess club I was part of in junior high… The one girl there looked manlier than me (okay… so I didn’t look all that manly in junior high )