Pizza Question

does everything revolve around you? lol J/k

{completely off cousre, but what year are you in Cal U?}

It’s pizza, I’d eat the ass out of it no matter what you used to make it.

mmmmmmmm…thats hot!

it would also be a good idea to do market research against CA shops… there are alot of old hippies out there and a lot more “organic” based shops. I know someone on the west coast has done this before, there has to be some precedence you can model after, or learn from

some of the best ideas are stolen ones- modified. i’ll buy a pie :slight_smile:

i’ll stick to aiellos and fioris… i don’t give a fuck is there is lead paint and asbestos in it.



I don’t eat pizza for it’s health benefits.

Pizza is over priced as it is. I’ll stick to making my own from giant eagle

3 for $9 :bigok:

Shop N save sells these ones that are primarily wheat, Marge and I get them all the time, I cnat tell the damn difference between the 2 as is.

Ill go with the old saying, Pizza is like sex, when its good, its good, when its bad, hell its still good.

so you like having your ass eaten?

Just a suggestion. There are a lot of yuppie assholes out where I’m from and would eat healthy/organic shit all day.


you make it sound like all people in wexford are bad…

Not all, but many.

i was gonna say, im from the wexford area…

anyway, id eat the pizza as long as it was good, dont really care about the health concerns as previously mentioned


Poker in the rear

Pump 'er in the Dumper

Pinko’s Pizza! – At Pinko’s Pizza, Pizza Eats You!!!