Pizza Logs?!?!

I thought this would be easier than it really is…
But I honestly can’t dig up any pizza log recipes at all.

anyone have any ideas?
They really can’t be that hard to make I don’t think anyway…

They’re just so damn expensive.
and I didn’t know they were a Buffalo only deal.

federal meats sells them by the pound, but you’re right about them being expensive. ive never had homemade ones but i can imagine they’d be good.

I have a bunch in my freezer that I made.

1 Package of Egg Roll Wrappers
1 package of peperoni
1 block moz. cheese
1 jar pizza sauce.
1 egg.

place ingriedents in wrapper, brush edges with egg, roll like an egg roll… Be fat and happy.

lol cool thanks tpgsr.

after I asked the girlfriend about it, she said I dunno… they just use those chinese egg roll things…
so after some digging, i ended up searching pizza egg rolls and got some info.

basically boils down to exactly what you have ^^

Do you deep fry or cook them in the oven?
I’ve always deep fried ones I’ve bought from the store…
imagine I’d do the same.
Just wish they could be a tad healthier without tasting awful and making my gf and I weigh 200lbs :x

this sounds full of win


Fry in deepfryer. Set them with the folded part down first to seal the roll just incase.

(you can also use a deep pan with an inch of oil if you have no deep fryer)

i love pizza logs… i get them by the box and they dont last to long… oven isnt to bad but deep fry is better

Egg roll wrappers, mozzorella, pepperoni,basil, and oregeno. Never used an egg wash to close it up, i always use water and that is the same way we have made our pizza logs at Road House for the past year.

Just go to Federal Meats and buy them…so good from there!

US Foods cash and carry has them as well, its on Clinton.

100% seriously…

My father and uncle started the company that was the first manufacturer of ‘pizza rolls’;

they started out using our egg roll stock at The Cosy and an italian partner filled them with pizza filling and they were deap frying them in the commercial deep fries after hours…

we produced for McCain or something back in the 1980’s but then they went to pizza pockets (which suck btw)… we were doing the pizza rolls for M&M meets up until 2006.

I could really go for some pizza rolls right about now.

Just go buy them somewhere. Most deli’s have them.

if you want some pizza place pizza logs, a box is around $25 for me, i can put an order in for you

the box has a whole lot in there, id guess like 5 lbs?

Good call Sean. That particular cash and carry is only about two bucks more than my cost for pizza logs. Good place for me in a pinch !

cash and carry is also a good suggestion

Ya we get them from there sometimes as well.

This thread makes me happy. I just saw a box of them with 5 rolls in it for $7 yesterday at the store and was not happy at all. I was telling my girl how I wanted them, now I can have them, at a decent price too!!

We made some a few weeks ago. Pretty similar recipe to the first one listed.

Except we added banana peppers and baked them

We’re using the egg wash next time, maybe that will help them stick together better.