…both like men, PJB prefers little boys though.

the MR2 is of similar size, shape, and speed of many hotwheelz

Let’s look at the glass half-empty…

I bet he wasn’t in debt when he was 18, either.

PJB already was…

also true

:rofl when do you think his matchbox car collection started??

You rip people off for half ass detail jobs. He ripped off Hot Wheels from Ames. Different procedure, same principle.

I am going be putting small rocks and cat feces in your turbochargers in around four weeks.

You’d have to bring Big Brother PJB, because he’s the only one in your family that knows how to operate a wrench.

Yes, I said it, FAMILY.

I just had McDonalds. I don’t like McDonalds.

Until you fail out… then it will become an investment for joey and I since were gonna go down and help your family get your big dumb ass home, film it and then put it on youtube.

I’m sure big brother Paul will offer on-site, ‘hands on’ training for working at Plaza Linen.

Video camera ready.

the mcdonalds in Ti i think is actually very good, although i only go there when im absolutely exhausted from god knows how many hours of spitshining cars/rvs, so thats probably skewing my evaluation :rofl

its a wonder i dont fall asleep and crash on the way back to albany :ponder

The McDonald’s just outside of Burlington, VT sucks. I had it the other day. Probably won’t have it again.

Hahaha. Didn’t you like, way oversleep last time or something?

Okay, thanks. I heard it was good. I guess not. I won’t go there now.

Entire state of VT sucks, so it’s a given that it sucks.

The Jack In The Box in Tucson is good though.


Actually, the actual town of Burlington(small like 2-3 mile strip) is said to be one of the nicest places in the U.S…

But I agree, the rest of Vermont SUCKS

‘They’ can say whatever they want, the entire town sucks, the only thing that makes it nice is the people there saying “HEY LOOK AT US OUR TOWN IS NICE”. Granted, it’s nice, but ain’t got shit on Toga, Bolton Landing, etc etc. I worked there for 2 years, I know the dealio.

Although I cannot confirm or deny myself getting an AMAZING blowjob w/o jimmy hat last summer from an ‘adult service’ provider from Burlington craigslist.

busting out a PJB.doc quote just for this thread…