Pjb look

I stayed up all night on Saturday night, went to bed at 7pm on Sunday, got up at 4AM on Monday!!! This is…odd…

and you STILL suck. :wink:

It got so bad last week…I was going to bed at 1PM and getting up at 9PM.

ive been going to bed around 9-11am and getting up at 430-5 pm… its a bitch… totally fucked sleep schedule.

In a fantasy world, I’d prefer to go to bed at like 4AM and get up at noon-1. Yesterday SUCKED though, by the time I went to bed I was going around with 1 eye closed and just peeking thru the other one.

i hear ya… its a bitch… im stuck playing call of duty on ps3 all night and watching reruns of sportscenter and reading all the garbage on here

You guys are on some weird sleep schedules.
I went to bed at 10 last night and got up at 4 today. Im at working now warming the truck up and printing orders.

I get up when you guys go to bed ha ha.

PJB was probably tired out from the weekend. He was reading his book. And then he fell asleep.

You make it sound like someone holds a gun to your head and forces those things on you. :lol

I read a few pages Saturday but didnt fall asleep. I went to bed at 11 then because I was tired from working a side job all day. I went to bed at 11 on Friday because I had to get up at 6 on Saturday.

Yeah, i hear you man. It was really weird being up all day today. I’m tired now…gonna try to hang on until like 10 and get up at 6 or so.

Ive gotta go to bed at 10 and get up at 4 all week. I really like that schedule and I never used to be a morning person.

Gotta suck being tired on the weekends when all the fun is starting, though.

Normally Im fine as long as Im doing something though. I can stay out at the lot until after 3 on a Friday.

The side job was this Saturday only and not an every week thing. I helped my brother’s father inlaw at a rental house he owns with my brothers.