pjb,s e/bay build up




I know your sick of hearing it… and from what I can tell your being a stubborn motherfucker about it. Listen to these guys, unfortunately it’s the sad truth, your never going to get even half of what you put into the whole car over the years. As they’ve said a million times, mods do not add value.

You say your sick of it, don’t enjoy it, well if thats the case, grint your fucking teeth, take the 5k and run. You won’t get more than 5k for it… thats the truth, accept it.

Otherwise, stop being a little bitchy girl about it, drive the car and enjoy it.

I dont have cash and I dont want your Cobra.

  1. its a convertible
  2. its black
  3. I dont care much for the '99-'04 body style

And its funny how people on here think a K swapped '95 Civic is a deal at $15k or whatever but my car isnt worth shit.

Search Ebay, Corral, whatever, you’ll see plenty of similar cars to yours selling for ~6K. You’ve admitted that your bodywork is shit so also take that into account. Brett’s 4500 NOW is a great deal, local sale, no BS.

Like he’s really gonna buy it even if I agreed to that low ball price.

Its all about the market man. Modded domestic cars dont seem to hold value what so ever. Its good if you’re in the market to scoop up someones project they are sick of, not so much if you are trying to sell one.

Import vehicles and drugs are about the only thing that seem to keep their value in todays markets man

Hell I’d consider it for $4500…think i’ve got the cash here right now

Not selling that low. Ill just put it back in the garage and eventually decide what to do with it before I sell that low.

Maybe Ill trade it for another car or a boat or something. I was offered a snowmobile but I really dont want one. I think its an '05 Arctic Cat Firecat.

Who knows, but if you want an idea of what your car is worth, search the national sale sites and see that ~6K is about right. There are 100’s (if not thousands) of 2000+ GT Mustangs for sale across the country for the same price or less than what you want for your car, why on earth would someone choose your car over one of those?!

paul its supply and demand 101

I sold my jetta last week for $8,000. I didn’t have nearly that into it. there was a demand for the car, even at 2x book value. As a matter of fact the guy flew all the way from California to get it. If there is a demand for your car, you will be able to sell it for what you want, but if people can get something newer/better why would they buy your car? Like others said either put it up for a realistic price take a loss(yes you will be losing money) get over it, close that chapter of your life move on and drive your F150. If you don’t want to do that then stop fucking bitching about it.

You will NOT get 4-5K+ on a trade on anything

your a idiot

you dont want to take 4500 for it…

yet, you want to trade it for a snowmobile that worth 3k?..yah. Use your brain dude.

What you put into something has nothing to do with what it’s worth.

I said I really dont want a snowmobile but I was offered one in trade for the car but I turned it down because I dont think that particular snowmobile is worth as much as my car even with the trailer.

The only problem with your price is that there isn’t another PJB around to buy it!!!

So yeah, Im keeping this thing.

The DR’s came Wednesday and I just need to get them put on when I get a chance.

I might also be buying another Mustang next week.

+rep man!

I really need to fix the leaking windshield seal and then find time to drive it. I havent had a free weekend all month.

Good shit man! Ive never seen the car in person, but seems like it would be a blast to mess around with

good to hear paul. Drive the thing. you put the money into it so enjoy it.
