pjb,s e/bay build up

Il give you a GTP + 530

I dont want your pocket change or a GTP.

Sell it or stop bitching about it… You need some fucking medication.

Id like to sell it but nobody wants a car that needs to be started grand theft auto style.

I dont do medication- not even Tylenol or shit like that.

PJB is medications medication.

pjb talk to adam or wheeler for 5500(obo hahaha) u may have a sale

Brett was at John’s yesterday and doesnt want it

haha sorry… forgot you were a baller… shot caller

Just take a hit on it, sell it, and move on dude. You’ll be happier in the long run.

Yeah, you NEED medications because your brain is more fucked than psi2high’s anus hole.

The guys got a point:eek3

just bought the TDi, no need for another car.

paul keep the thing. rewire the ignition/neutral safety switch and have a NASTY car.

the car sounds nasty and runs awesome. quit being a faggot.


Other than installing stereos I dont know shit about electrical work.

And this is the current issue. Once thats fixed something else will break and cost me another few hundred bucks.

Also your TDI is probably 100 times more reliable than this car.

I dont go to doctors or take medication. I let pain/illness/whatever run its course.

Wow, you really are fucked up.




Prediction… PJB will be living at a methadone clinic within 5 years

I have no idea wtf that is but if it involves pills Im out

its what they give to people who are addicted to heroin when they’re in rehab so they don’t die

well I dont see myself going to rehab for that so I think Ill be ok