im bored with the car lol , thats my majorrr issue with it . i can sell the stroker setup if i sell the car as well .
I need f-body buddies. Not to lose them.
You need to build a turbo civic… I can tell you have a secret crush for them.
after driving meenas vette all week it made me realize how much i miss rowing gears and having funn on back roads .
Same issue Im having really. Bored with it and sick of putting money into it.
ima bout to get rid of my turds i have no more interst lately my self
i have thought about that as well :lol
so let me fix it , ill fix it for nuttin as long as i get to drive it and get the slip the car deserves
doooo it… you can get b-series stuff pretty cheap.
im not a fan of roll racing , im a huge hunk of man so small cars dont work well for me lol
roll around on slicks
i think i want a or a 6sp lsx f-body just to have fun in and not overmod the hell out of it
I want a Shelby Charger
without working…
pjb come on this is not a good look for you. at all.
yeah awesome car! heard they are easy to find replacement parts for too.
paul that car is hidious
Its a Chrysler 2.2 and they made billions of those motors so it shouldnt be hard to find motor parts.
Body parts are scarce but can be found on the internet. Id get one with a clean body so I wouldnt have to worry about that.
Probably no worse to find parts for than some of the older Audi’s, VW’s, Kramer’s car, etc on this site.
Ive always liked these cars and actually almost bought one before I bought the Mustang but extensive unibody rust cancelled that sale.