seems like my riding spots have been dwindling every year. i’ve gotten tickets, had to go to court, etc…i’ just need a place to ride the damn thing…so if ppl could pm me with some spots so we dont reveal where they are i would greatly appreciate it!
I’m in the same boat as you. But I find myself making the trip out to Batavia (Area51) to ride
hmm more info on Area 51? Ive been down to cooper ridge in olean, its ok real rough riding, I only last like 4 hours then im to tired to ride anymore. I hear majestic trails in bradford PA is realy nice. Ill be checking that out hopfully withen the next few weeks. I also live in the sticks so I have alot of private land to ride on.
Majestic is a shit load of fun. Season pass is $35 for the whole year. The only time you cant ride there is 2 weeks in hunting season. Lots and lots of good trails, nice little MX track too. You need to go with a bunch of people yhough, its alot more fun.
hmm…im strictly into motocross…there is 2 tracks in boston werre I ride… but area 51 is awesome…pratice from 5till dusk on weds. and races on sundays…silver springs in rock glen is nice as well…and maple shade is 10 dollers for all day practice…buts its in PA.
i dont have a problem with running from teh cops…the problem is everytime i get caught they’re waiting at my truck! so i’m fucked
maple shade is an awesome track! i used to go there all the time back during my racing days.
can you ride copper ridge anytime or only on dice runs? i did that once a long time ago, it was decent. i’d like to do some woods/trail riding again, but only at places that are decent, otherwise im too lazy to dig my bike out of my shed.
I know you can ride cooper ridge on saturday and sunday anytime.
silver springs is a really nice track as well. more natural track like area51. but i think area51 is by far the best motocross track in the wnyma circuit