Plane hijacking in 71

"CHICAGO — It is considered one of the great unsolved mysteries of American crime: how a seemingly quiet man in his mid-40s hijacked an airliner somewhere between Seattle and Reno in November 1971, then parachuted in his loafers and trench coat, making off with $200,000 in cash. F.B.I.
The tie Cooper left behind and money found nine years after the 1971 hijacking.

Who was he? Did he survive? After all these years, federal authorities say they still do not know, and the case lingers and vexes and fascinates as the only unsolved airplane hijacking in United States history. “It’s a mystery, frankly,” agency officials said in a December news release issued periodically to update old cases.
But now, with the advantage of technologies that were not available decades ago and with newfound attention from an agent on the West Coast, the Federal Bureau of Investigation has announced that the cold case is officially hot again — and the search is on for the parachuter who called himself Dan, and sometimes, D. B. Cooper."

Never heard about this before…

i watched a very interesting documentary on him once… it was a very well thought out plan. Pretty amazing.

I am DB Cooper, I have been waiting for the right time to come clean.

This is an old story/crime

that investigator is wishing for a movie type ending


he’s dead. he didnt survive the jump. / thread. / story.

eheheheh this story was one of the story in NBC’s journeyman…

Never heard of this before. Pretty amazing story.

thats cause the liberal media keeps it a seceret. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is why they can’t lower the docking doors on the back of planes anymore.

its a great story


from the sketch he looks like james bond.

Made a movie of it years ago starring Treat Williams, also made mention of it a couple weeks ago it the TV series “Journey Man.” Believe it or not, I remember when It happened. Dont ask how old I am…

I watched this on the history channel about 5 times.

hahaha " without a paddle" has the story behind him. i think thats what its called.

i watched that documentary. Pretty impressive that he knew exactly what kind of plane to hijack for what kind of jump he wanted to perform, and how he knew exactly where to jump and how high to keep the plane. Some lady came out and said that right before her husband died he told her it was him some 40 years after it happened.


god you guys are young