Plane on a conveyor belt (small scale) JUST TOOK OFF !!!!!!

What question do you see that mentions wheel speed?

Im not arguing right or wrong Newman :slight_smile: I’m just bringing the perception of speed in relation to the treadmill out for people to question.

Wheel speed is relative to the treadmill speed. 1 to 1. if the actual plane was forced to move forward through the air, you have thrown off the equal speed relationship and the question has been broken. Right?

I can run 8 MPH on a treadmill, and I am going ZERO MPH forward.
I can roll a plane on a treadmill at 25 MPH and it is also going ZERO MPH forward.
I can turn the engines on, and turn em up to go 50 MPH forward, but now the wheels are going 75 MPH.

What do you determine speed by for the question? ACTUAL movement forward, or speed relative to the object vs. the treadmill surface?

Is there actually a correct perception? Because that is the key.