Planet Fitness employee admits to groping teen

This thread was the best Christmas present ever! Thanks guys!



Personally I don’t think she’s attractive at all. Would not smash

not my type even if it was born a woman. Too old anyway.

oh shit… you hooked up with a dude…

Dave id be pissed if I hooked up with a dude too… But you should be pissed off at the dude that you hooked up with without knowing… That’s just as bad as fucking someone with aids and them not telling you.

Shes a nice person, but I would not hook up with her… More I look at her, more I see a dude now.

I LOL’d so hard. Epic thread.

Would not smash

Oh and where’s my $20

Tried to Neg for 20 but said I must spread rep. Lunch on dave

I’m pretty sure that regardless if I didn’t know the sex of that creature I still wouldn’t of fucked him/her.

Epic Christmas thread though.

do not want. ew

well Chuck its old enough to be your mother/father/both anyway

Well it’s definitely not a milf. It’s forehead is bigger than mine.

still cant hide a receding hairline, even with a cut off penis

+rep PJB that is Sig worthy


I will say I do not think shes attractive in the least bit, but if we were all hanging out one day and she threw herself at me if you will, I probably would of rolled with it not knowing she was a dude

Most guys would, lets be cereal… we all think with the wrong head sometimes :rofl

A stiff dick has no morals , any port in the storm . Just don’t be jealous if hers is bigger lol