Planning on tracking your lambo?

Better bring a few rolls of painters tape!


theres nothing wrong with protecting a nice paint job :slight_smile:

I did this when i drove to Iowa for a show. 12 hrs each way with paint less than a week old… don’t need any chips thanks…

josh(onyx) isn’t alone haha.

that is just overly excessive though, its not like he is going gravel racing


goes through 10 rolls of painters tape, and then places his helmet on the paint which could easily scratch it. smart…

Since when did Onyx own a Lambo? :shrug:

The helment on the paint made me giggle. Specially the thought of the metal clip putting a nice scratch on it. :slight_smile:

:word: to jager…the irony, lol

“After applying all that tape I remembered my gloves, shoes and favorite Hootie and the Blowfish CD were in the trunk”

pfft… that aint shit:

(before a 1200mi road trip to a car show.)

For the money that guy spent on tape there and back, he could have had it shipped.

People are nuts.

Not really, I would rather have too much than too little and find out later that I should have put more on.

You should have seen my car when I drove it to SC, I was awful tempted to cover just about any part that had even a minute potential of getting wacked with flying shit.

yea but for a track day? i mean cmon