plastic for custom guage mount

Im looking for some black plastic or even carbon fiber. Im making a DIN guage mount. Any shops in the Lethbridge area would be best…let me know

I usually use tin for home heating ducts. It can be found at any home depo or revy. Just paint it black after. Light weight and cheap.

any glass shop in Leth will have it. Its called Lexan. I like to buy the clear Lexan and paint the back side of it black. It gives it depth and looks amazing! Ive baught some from that shop on stafford drive S across the street from visions between 3rd ave and 4th ave. As for the paint just use any old black sprey paint or just get the black Lexan. The clear stuff scratches pretty easy but aslong as you never touch it it will looks good for years to come.

use plexi glass from home depot then paint it or but that carbonfiber mat stuff on it from cdn tire plexi glass is easy to cut right easy to clue and every smooth

aight… ill check out homo depo today and see what i can come up with.

Sweet. I was just wondering about this the other day. Thanks guys.