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Who’s this “Sweets” guy :confused :umm

Was bored… came from one of the sites that got linked… I know my site by heart, figured Id browse this site till Im ready for bed…

whats your “site”

srt forums…


yeah dont give out information to hooked on 240… hesa known stalker and pedophile

GREAT! ::slight_smile:




Anyways… this looks like a really cool forum… Im going to go browse.

Good luck to the OP in getting this resolved :slight_smile:

hello, checking in from… fyi he is now registered for free in home consultations on foot fungus and home decor, and subscribed to loads and loads of junk mail.

:lol:bowdown :wow :lol :crackup

i hate thiefs, and best of luck to the OP.

were recruiting members…sweeeet lol.

checking in from


HAHAHAHA this is awesome. Way better than kicking the shit out of him. Maybe he can sell all his tampons and buy you a wheel :haha

i just read from page 7 and im dying :lmao


Haha this is great

LMAO at the people joining from other forums!!! This is GREAT!!! :crackup