Playstation HOME

i’m not salty with you…i’m just tired of everyone & their mother comparing price & saying 360 is cheaper…ever since PS priced the PS3 thats been the arguement…& its false.

as far as comparing them… ps3 has slightly better graphics, & xbox has better online but you have to pay…so its a toss up.

personlly i think they are the same…i think you buy based on which ever one has the games you like, the controller you like, the movie player you like etc…

the reason i like ps3 better is because i don’t buy many games, & the ones i like are better on Ps3 NBA2k7, Turismo
also i wanted blueray & i like the PS3 controller better.
I also think the future potential for PS3 is better due to games being able to be written on blueray discs instead of limited to DVD like 360.