Playstation HOME

but using your logic, the xbox360 can produce games on hd-dvd!!! so the size of the disk is negligible… since you ‘have’ to buy the hd player to have a comparible system :kekegay:

everywhere that i’ve read says that the graphics are not superior on the ps3… rather they are ‘crisper’ in the foreground and more blurry in the backround, as a whole… or something…

I like the xbox more because of the aftermarket wide-spread international support… there are tons and tons of homebrew guys that really make the aftermarket xbox community what it is (and what it is/was for the xbox1)

  1. the developing standpoint… microsoft uses .net as well as open source xbox compiling development kits that are widely availible… so there is going to be tons and tons of future home grown revisions… if you google it, the sony compiler is buggy and has been causing coders problems and they have no other avenue to develop with…

  2. single console games are soon to be a thing of the past… gran turismo stated that it will be released on both platforms as well as the next grand theft auto… two big hitter games for sony that will not be tied to consoles any longer…