Please exit the plane

can u belive it?

I don’t see anything wrong with what she is wearing.

No, that was fine. I think this “Keith” guy had his panties in a twist. I would have told him to go fuck himself, I already paid.

On my airlines, skimpier dress is encouraged.

i don’t see anything wrong with that in fact if all the good looking girls on the flight wore something similar it would much greatly appreciated lol

no different than what most pretty girls her age are wearing.

im not basing bc i think she looks cute. i think their point was when she was sitting. watch it again…you can see everything. it may be fine for a normal curcumtance, but not when your lil boy can see up her skirt…i wouldnt apprecate the outfit either.

not sure i would have thrown her off, but explained and maybe put something else on or cover up

that is ridiculous. when she sat down, they could have asked her to put a blanket over her legs, assuming it was revealing. When she was sitting for the Lauer interview all you saw was legs…

I wouldn’t care for my daughter to wear that skirt, but I discrminate someone else’s daughter for wearing it

theres much better things on a plane to cause stir over.

Like drunk pilots and terrorist snakes on a plane.

big deal, walk into a dennys and see upskirt shots also :stick:


A.) better than snakes on a plane.


B.) i like vagina.

that is all.

They probably threw her off the plane for being a cross-dresser.

imagine what guffy would have gotten a shot of on that plane.

i would have kicked her off for not having a shorter skirt on.

That’s a butter face if I’ve ever seen one.

Was waiting for someone to say that. :stupid:

typical young skank bag… dont see what the big deal was thou.

I guess the IP&P (International Plumbers and Pipefitters) can’t fly Southwest. . . too much crack :kekegay:

:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

you couldnt have seen anymore up that skirt if she put her ankles behind her head. she needs to lay off the coke binges too with those bags she got under her eyes.

IMO- their airline, their call.

ok i actaully watched the clip. first off seems like they are after money, the mom “they aren’t not gettin away with it” … the lawyers use of his paris hilton example was ludacris and had absolutely nothing to do with it. like my dad use to tell me " you sister dont have nothing to do with what you did" same thing here. regarless hhow he thinks they would treat paris has nothing to do with it.

Personally who would complain BUT its is southwests plane. I give credit to big companies that try to stick by some values. ala chik-fil-a

in conclusion i would defiently fuck that girl but not go out with her because she’s gonna end up looking like that wench next to her. and that may be the worst lawyer ever.

maybe she had a very beat up hood?