What do you do when you fart on a plane?

I smile and look around and make sure other people see I am looking around with that evil smirk.

This woman, however…

wow. just, wow.


Direct the air vent at your ass

hahahahahahhahahah. what a moron

She said she isn’t being charged with anything but I honestly believe people should be able to get tickets for being stupid…

We are truely doomed to our stupidity. :lol:

“The woman was not allowed back on the flight and barred from flying on American Airlines”


my farts never smell on planes :gotme:

I didn’t know women farted??


they dont. this lady is a man with a sex change.

“The woman was not allowed back on the flight and barred from flying on American Airlines”

Stupid vain bitch lol.



there is no place in the world for fat bitches


i got that today at work

i love the reuters oddly enough lunchtime email

I didn’t know women farted??


she must not have farted. She probably shit her pants…twice.

Forget about bombs… this women attacks with her toxic nerve gas :slight_smile:

i just laugh and look around. i did it on tue and wed of this week :lol:

