question for the NYSPeed Frequent Flyers

the woman is flying out of buffalo on thursday and shes never flown b4 and shes nevrous as hell. ive seen where sometimes if little kids r flying by themselves like the parents can go with them though security right up to the gate. im thinking mayb this is an option for me to do? would i jsut walk up to secirity with her, explin the situation, and just ask if i can do that? should i call the airline and find out?

i kno this is gonna be a disaster either way, because shes freaking out to begin with, and on top if it all shes going to BOSTON and is flying back out of BOSTON and shes gonna be in the BOSTON AIRPORT all by her self, but i wanna try and do what i can on my end. thanks in advance for the info!

donkey punch her in the airport parking lot. she’ll be so distracted that she won’t even think about the flight

not the best piece of advice if you wanna keep her around for longer then your trip taking her to the airport…

DEfinitely +1 on the donkey punch. Unless your GF is highly underage, you will be stopped after the ticket counter. :slight_smile:

:lol: he has a point there.


or put her in a wheelchair. That actually might work. Seriously

:word: This is probably your best bet

No it won’t, they have airport personell handle/assist handicap. You’re still not getting past the ticket counter.

yea, not a a fuckin bet are you getting threw, or everyone would use that as an excuse. If she is that upset, either feed her a dramamene that will make her so tired she won’t care about anything but sleeping as soon as she can, or take her to the doctor and explain the situation that will prescribe a few anti-anxiety pills to get her threw the trip. Other than that she will just have to sack up and get over it.

no way you are getting passed security unless you yourself buy a ticket to fly somewhere. She is just going to have to suck it up and deal with it.

Nope. There is absolutely no way for you to get through security without a ticket. FWIW I’ve flow all over the world for my job (seriously, I’ve been to airports in Portugal, South Africa, Namibia, Angola, Anchorage, Argentina, Uruguay, etc…) and the Buffalo airport is definitely the nicest, easiest airport I’ve ever flown from. It’s small, it’s not too busy, you can’t get lost because there’s only one secuirty checkpoint and all the gates are one long hallway, and the Landmark bar makes a mean beef on weck.

I can understand her being nervous, but she’ll have no problems on a quick hop from Buffalo to Boston. :tup:

Yeah, but coming back? Have fun in Logan airport.

yea is she is over 18 especally…i flew for the 1st time 2 years ago…it was f-ing great…acceleretion is awesome…

shes gonna be in the BOSTON AIRPORT all by her self

Dude, is she 6 years old?

Its not that hard to get around an airport. They tend to put up a lot of signs. As far as flying nervousness goes, they sell supplements and stuff at Wegmans to help people with that.

hahaha so Im not the only one that enjoys that, my only wish is that they would accelerate faster! more Gs!!!

my eyes were locked on the runway…i wanted to see how fast we were going

Yea, you aren’t going to get through, plain and simple. Have her suck it up and just do it. Millions of people do it everyday and are just fine.

I fly a lot for work, not as much as Bikerfry, but a lot.

you won’t get through security without a boarding pass…however…boarding passes aren’t the hardest to fake. Airlines have options to print them online, and all it takes is a little edit so your name is there and you are all set. They don’t scan them or anything - they just check to make sure you have valid ID and that it matches your boarding pass.

I don’t recommend this, because if you get caught - you are totally fubar’d.

Go rent the movie “Alive” and show that to her,it will make her more comfortable.

dont know if anyone suggested this yet, but, give her a few drinks, she’ll feel much better about it.

either that or find some vallumm(spelling)