question for the NYSPeed Frequent Flyers

^Riiiight. Get drunk and/or take valium when flying for the first time ALONE. :tup: She’s going to want to be alert. If someone were going with her that would be a good idea.

If she’s halfway intelligent and can read english she’ll have no problems finding her way around. Airports are labeled to a retarded extent. Just follow the signs. If she has any trouble she can ask someone for direction.

this really isnt a question for frequent flyers. people who fly all the time generally arent afraid to do so.

if i were to guess, ide say that shes prolly a little bit more freaked out from the thought of dying in a crash, then not being able to find the terminal.

with a few drinks in her system she should have no problem navigating the airport and she will be much more relaxed once on the plane

^Yeah, maybe.

Boston’s only, what, a 6 hour drive? If she’s scared to the point of needing to self-medicate then maybe she should just drive until she can fly once with someone.

Either way, back to the original post: No you can’t go to the gate with her, and she’ll be fine in Boston. The only difference about a big airport is that it can FEEL more intimidating and you need more time to find your way around. But again, everything is labeled and there are airport personell everywhere who can tell you how to get to your flight.

thanks for the info…i kno buffallo is pretty easy to get around, and im sure she’ll be fine. the first 2 times i’ve flown were into Cleveland (thats kinda confusing with half of it being on the other side of the runway) and the on to Nashville and the second time was to Atlanta and back, and i didnt have any problems at all getting to the right place. im just gonna tell her that when she leaves boston to get there at least 2 and a half ours early, and just take her time finding her way around and she should be fine.

and i agree with the people who said they flew for the first time a few years ago…i flew for the first time when i was 16 and it was a quite a cool expereince. the whole acceleration/speed thing was pretty sweet.

Yeah, but most girls are really stupid. I was smarter at 6yrs old than most girls are at 20…