Please give me your honest opinion

Has anyone here ever lived in a small town? I live in Wainwright (2hours east of edmonton) and I think it is ruining my life. Rumors get spread to easily here (apparantly I do Meth) and no-one seems to be a true friend. What I want to know does anyone else think it would be in my best interest to just drag up and move elsewhere like Edmonton or Calgary? From the looks of things so-far I find myself contemplating that god awful decision ( I’d imagine most of you know what I’m talking about) and I think the only way to get around it is a drastic change. I realize that people talking about you behind your back isn’t something that should make you think about this but thats not the only thing that seems to be on my mind right now. I find that I am incredibly lonely right now (enough that it keeps me up at night and has affected my diet and social life) and that I have no direction in life and its leading me nowhere. I only have like two friends that are able to really listen to me and I am always worried that one of them isn’t even there in mind when I am talking to them. So I was really just hoping that the kindness of complete strangers might be able to help me get through this but I really don’t expect anyone to really give a damn. I find I just have a hard time finding someone I can really talk to. Thanks for listening.

decisions like that are tough. Ive moved from edmonton to toronto and I came right back after a little over a year. Its different for everyone but Id go on a short vacation not a permanent one. You never know man but you also need to work hard in settling down and get things going. Same situation might still happen even if you move to edmonton or calgary

I know exactly how you feel, I feel that way all the time. Well about the small town thing, not about people talking about me behind my back. Deadmonton, and especially Sherwood Park are the most boring places in the world. I’d hate to think of what life in an even smaller town would be like. There is little to do during the day, and imagine what it’s like after hours when you’re underaged. Really the only thing to do is sit around and wait. Maybe watch some grass grow. Paint drying is always fun. However weekday nights the roads are mostly empty. That’s a plus I suppose.

If you were to move, go to Calgary. Calgary is alot better than Deadmonton. Or Vancouver. Vancouver’s allways good. I plan on leaving Edmonton sometime in 2008.

Although a vacation (like pigbenis said) could very well solve your problem. I can’t wait for summer when I’m going to Europe.

Hope this helps.

Edmonton is not boring compared to a small town. Move here.

Before grade 11 my parents moved us from here to Portage La Prairie a small town of about 10,000 people in Manitoba, surrounded by farms and reserves.

My dad managed a company that has its head office in Portage. When I moved there everyone knew I was his son, where I lived, who lived in the house before we moved in, pretty much every detail about me before I had ever spoken to them.

Each grade in my school had about 70 people, mostly farming kids, hutterites and people I just had nothing in common with. To make a long story short, worst two years of my life.

Like you, I had basically two friends. The only thing we could do in that town was sit around and play video games, drink at the shitty bar, or drive around endlessly looking for something to do. It made my want to rip my hair out it was so boring.

When people say it is boring in Edmonton, they have clearly never lived in a shit town like that. It’s soooooooo much better here. You can do things without other people talking about it behind your back. There are hundreds of things you could do every night. I really appreciate that more, since living in the middle of nowhere.

Get the hell out of there and move to the city… any city.

I live in the middle of nowhere… but luckily its close enough to Edmonton. I vote move. Its way way better in the city than a small town.


If you really want move to edmonton. However some people might see this as running away from your problems. They could follow you here as there are lots of people from outside of edmonton living here now.

But I know how you feel, i went through a simmilar experience during High School. But it was everyone of my friends doign the coke and meth, and that left me high and dry. I guess living in a small town it is alot harder to find a new group of buddies.

Decision is up to you.

I among with others here have gone through a similar thing.I’ve grown up in a small city(Spruce Grove) and have dealt with many of the same things recently as you have.Losing most of my high school friends,my gf of 4.5 years,and countless other things. Unfortunately whether or not you live in a small town doesn’t change the fact that these things happen everywhere.Take everything in stride and grow from it.Moving somewhere new is always a nice change and can be a help but nothing says that the same shit won’t happen there.What I’m trying to say is that make sure this is something you won’t regret, and that this move was something that you really wanted.Best of luck with your decision. I know that it is tough.


But in a big city theres more to do, to take your mind off stuff, more new people to meet, more places to hide when you need to, etc. It’s just better!

Thanks everybody for the responses they help shed light on things and show me that I’m not the only person going through this stuff. But yeah, it seems like I just really need to think things through.

I’m orginally from Cranbrook BC. The closest city was Calgary… and i lived in BC! lol… In my case, I just grew to big for the small town. I used to know everyone in the city. I used to have lunch with the Mayor and his wife… and when the streets rolled up at about 11:30pm and the entire city went to sleep, I went batty… Look at your future, your money, and your opportunitys and base your decition on that.

What exactly is keeping you in Wainright? Family? Job?

Mostly job right now but who knows, these kind of things change quickly and you never know what could happen.

Just Leave… Leave Now… Theres tones of jobs in E-Town…

Prob is though I’m apprenticing for a mechanic right now and I go to school in april, so I want to stick around for a bit longer.

NAIT is all I have to say, and trust me you could easily get a job in Edmonton man, Just look for positive influences in your life go with what feels right man. I could sit here for hours typing about what I have gone through in life so far. But in the end nothing matters but what has made your life happy, so just go with the flow. If you want a little life changing event just go to Thailand for 2 months, that will make you think a little more clearly.

Yeah there’s nothing like 12 year old Thai she-males to get your head clear. :anal :anal :anal

Seriously though, just leave. When I drive around the province through little shit towns like that I always wonder to myself “why the hell are there people here?”

Actually, I’ve noticed myself doing that too. Wondering what caused people to start a little town right in the middle of nowhere, like most of the cities/towns between Calgary and Lethbridge!

well i’ve just recently had the lovely experience of moving to vermillion to go to school (fire-etc). and my god, been there a week and had one party, and the yokal locals tried to fight everyone, and there wwas so much drama going on, and cowqboys trying to fight ppl. and it was just a gong show i did not like. not to mention that there is nutin to do but go to this dive bar, that used to be a friggen chicken coop. so i say MOVE, but then again theres alot more factors than that

How long you gonna be in Vermillion? I’ll be there the end of april for school.

i will be there till may 28, so not so long, just 3 months for the 1001 fire fighter training program. i am staying in the dorms so its quite an experience, are you going to be staying the dorms as well or some place else?