Please search of a murderer

My girlfriend’s cousin is the man in the article. He is currently in Eric county medical center in critical condition after being shot point blank in the stomach with a 410 gauge weapon. He was with friends at a poker game, walked outside the home to a gang of men (estimated 30) all dressed the same. A big fight started and he was shot;from what I have been told he was not the intended target. After the shot, everyone ran. If anyone has ANY information or can think of any ideas please either post or PM me.

Also, I may think of having one of those fundraising dinners for the family. From everyone who has done that on the board, can you please post on the best way to host something like that. It turns out he doesn’t have insurance and I would like to do everything I can to alleviate some pressure from the family.

It would be attempted Murder, unless he dies.

Good thing it was only a .410 guage

Im sorry to hear that this happened

I am in for a get together fundraiser dealy.

Hope he pulls through.

GL with catching the guy but don’t get your hopes up. Buffalo PD can’t catch murderers, let alone attempted murderers.

What area of the city was this? Probably better chance if it’s one of the nicer areas the cops give a damn about.

my thoughts exactly…

I hope he is found, and I hope the person that was shot recovers

With the way its looking, they have removed parts of his intestine and colon, he has bb’s lodged in his lungs, running a fever, in a coma, and has pneumonia. The doctors are doing everything they can. I will find out which area of b-lo but if anyone knows anyone who is in part of a gang or anything of the sort, please just pm me.

he got hit with Birdshot?


damn scatterguns

I’m in for any help you need, let me know about any fundraiser and I’ll try to help

jon set up a paypal account for him that might work?

Here’s Some Good Advice…leave the investigation to the police…anyways hope he pulls through.

Jeez sorry to hear about this. Count me in for some fundraising. I’ll be in Rochester/Buffalo for the next 2 weeks.

read that article on the buffalo news.

best wishes

sorry, to hear. it is a small world b/c i was at ecmc had this person was mentioned. best of luck let us know.


Best of luck. I really hope everything works out… If that means anything at all.

sorry to hear. What kind of poker game was he at that 30 uniformed men showed up to shoot someone…Is this gang related?

From what I have heard, which isnt much, one of the guys that was there had been having trouble with some said gang. They walked out and everyone was wearing the same outfit and a huge fight started. I know nothing of b-lo gangs but if this is characteristic of anything you guys know please let me know

jon got ur IM, i think you just setup a paypal u have control over but it would be for people to send $ on his behalf, then just take the $ and give to family

Where was this and what was the way they were all dressed?

yea, i assume most gangs dress the same - talking about what it looked like would probably help…
sorry to hear, sucks :frowning:

There are real gangs in buffalo, I highly doubt anyone on here knows anything about them, let alone is associated with one of them. Were all spoiled rich kids ya know.

Wow, sorry to hear. Hope he pulls through and this gets solved. Most certainly stay out of the investigation though.

Benefit FTW BTW. I can also help you out with getting things if need be.