Please help! Online petition to help stop planned Peace bridge plaza developement

Please check out this link for info about the plans and the neighborhood it directly concerns:

Here’s the petition link:

The current proposed site will mean the eviction of an entire neighborhood and the demolition of their homes just to build a new Peace bridge plaza that could go elsewhere. Even if you don’t live in the city of Buffalo I’m sure you can understand how this current course of action and devlopement must be stopped. They’re trying for 1000 online signatures by March 1. Currently they have 340+. Whether or not this will definitely help, I don’t know but it’s worth a shot. You really don’t have to do much just fill in your info and a message if you like. Pass this along to friends, family members, co-workers, etc.


ehh my house is still standing

Some how I doubt this petition will make any difference.

yeah if you own the house / land, they have to pay out the ass to make you move.

not true, they give you fair value of the house/land and you’re out. Eminent Domain sucks.

Nah, I support the development, so…skip.

and fair value doesnt mean shit either

you could have a house that appraises at $100,000, that would actualy sell for $90,000, and the town can get away with giving you $$75,000 if they really please

I see nothing wrong with it

I agree. I dont see anything wrong with the city wanting to make room for a plaza to encourage business in the area. Look at the bright side, getting paid is a lot better than being told to just leave.

Be smart with what they give you and im sure you will be fine.

i completely understand where this petition is coming from and all i read was how its destroying the neighborhood and moving the people out. how many homes are vacant? i cant imagine that it is an upstanding, wealthy piece of property. thats no reason to kick people out, but if they are getting a decent amount to move, then they should do it. i highly doubt that this will do worse for buffalo than what has already been done.

i look at this as a new step for buffalo to step up and give people a reason to come here. i think this could be perfect for the city to bring people across the border in a non-congested way and then the next step would be to revamp our poor, pathetic waterfront.

have you seen the current plaza lately? they need this.

not signing.

I sincerely hope that the people who live there now don’t get boned by the city, but I’m not signing.

sums it up pretty well

Alot of that area could use some reviving, so I’m for it. Ever head just north of the peace bridge? ugh.

Tear down as much as you want.

My thoughts on this depend entirely on what they were offered.

If it was more than it was worth, the I’d like to sign the petition against this petition.

According the the Artvoice article the people moving are given fair market value for their home. All moving costs are paid for, and the new house must follow several guidelines. Such as, multi-children families have 1 room for every 2 children (except a boy and a girl must have separate rooms). As well as, in the event the new home costs more than the old home, the authority pays the difference.

While I think most of the neighborhood does not deserve to be demolished, nor do I believe these people should be forced out of their homes. I know and you know some online petition isn’t going to do a damn thing.

Sorry Buffalo, corrupt/inept politicians will be the death of you.


they gave the people on the east side a decent amount to move them out so they could demolish and build new homes. It looks great in that area now they just need to keep doing it. This is one thing the city doesnt fuck up too bad.

Are you guys nuts?

they want to take 110 homes and 10 businesses to build a truck plaza. this was all supposed to be on the canadian side, in land that doesn’t hurt anybody. but because the current administration’s Homeland Security wants to be able to fingerprint anyone and everyone for any or no reason, Canada said they won’t rape people’s rights and refused peace bridge expansion on their side. So now this administration, with a year left, is trying to bully and speed it up before it is defunked.

they are trying to take historic homes for one, but they are also trying to take the only part of that neighborhood that is good. you take the good part out of a struggling neighborhood and leave only the bad. what will happen? the bad will get worse.

not to mention the INCREDIBLE rate of cancer among citizens in that area, already, due to the pollution caused by vehicles. Front park (formerly The Front) was once the PREMIER PUBLIC PARK IN THE ENTIRE COUNTRY designed by frederick law olmsted and calvert vaux. it is currently partitioned from the water by ELEVEN LANES of traffic.

I have in my possession an air quality study that the PBA has tried to keep quiet. it shows how fucked up the air is there already, and you want to add a truck park? fuck people are stupid.

jesus christ. the people who support this project are just as guilty as those who knocked down the Larkin Building, put a highway through one of the best park system in the country, which in turn created a huge barrier and massive ghettoes

support terrible shit. i hope you realize the kind of cancer that results from this type of thing. i don’t wish ill upon anyone, but fuck. that’s pretty brutal basically facilitating hundreds of families to be even more susceptible to various types of cancer

edit: and for you people who don’t understand eminent domain; if your house is next to a pole for a traffic ramp, but not directly in the way, they give you nothing for your home. there you go, your $150,000 house is now worth $15,000, you will be forced to move because you don’t want to live in a fucking truck park, and you get dick for it.

Good read, post your evidence and it may change minds. Without proof what you just said is about as good as reading anything else on the internet.

Documentation generally has a positive follow through.
Hearsay does not…