Please Keep An Eye Out For This Plate

BCSF 073

Not a car with the plate, the actual license plate. It fell off my car today…why the fuck does shit keep falling off my car??? lol Last week, the dust shield, now this.

I was washing the car, and I kinda bent the plate a little with the wash brush, and where the 2 screws were holding it in, one side got kinda loose, so it would hang from one screw after hitting a bump. I was driving to Part Source, and then a hardware store to buy something to mount it better, then, I stopped in the parking lot and realized it wasn’t there anymore…

Here’s where I went today, so if you drive around there keep a lookout, I drove around at night, I couldn’t find it. I’ll go again during the day.

YMCA at Bayview and Sheppard (underground lot)
Sheppard Avenue East - From Bayview all the way east to Kingston
401E - From Victoria Park Ave. to Markham Road.
401W - From Victora Park Ave. to Bayview

Thanks guys. By the way, whats the procedure now, if this has happened to any of you before?

$10 new plates $15 replacement sticker from the ministry

^rly? SCHWEET. I think I spent 10 bucks of gas already driving around in the Oldsmobile looking for it. lol

Just get a new plate.

+1 on the new plate.

Its not worth the hassle trying to look for it. $5 says that its either on the wall of some punk’s bedroom as a souvenir or going overnight TO Japan so some JDM dude can put it on his car and be CDM tYte y0!

report your plate as missing to the cops, you don’t wanna get yourself into trouble if someone else might be using it…then get replacement plates bro!

^^^^x2 of both of the post above me

LOL i just clicked on fmylife and saw this:

Today, brand new cocktail dress: $300. Matching peep toe heels: $100. Getting my hair done at the salon: $80. Treating myself to a mani/pedi: $50. When finally meeting the guy I have been chatting online with for 2 months, I find out hes my cousin: priceless. FML


I reported the original plates to the police station, and got new replacement plates.

Thanks for the help guys.

And to the people who respond with “” on threads why would you bother posting that? The fmylife is fine, but twitter? Wow…get a life.

twitter is a site where you can post your daily wows and only the people that care can read about it.
and people posted that meaning that no one wants to hear you cry. stop posting your daily bullshit cause we don’t need to hear your life story.

I lol’d.

No offence but twitter actually makes more sense for ahmed. is more of a joke site. You can’t really post stuff like “i lost my license plate today” There always has to be a punchline.

good job man! glad to hear you did the right thing:cool:

p.s - more than a few guys need to get lives lol…

Stop being a complete and utter douchebag. I posted the thread to keep a lookout for a license plate in case it could be found, the issue has been resolved now. The dust shield thread was just a joke thread. Christ…it ended up being more entertaining than half the shit on SON recently.

good luck finding your plate

Dude wipe the drool off your chin and realize that no one cares about what happened in your day. stop posting your retarded shit.