please register and fill out....

go on there and register and go to the modified madness forum and tell them you will not return to the show until it is moved back to the fairgrounds.

even if you own something other than an import please just do it. we need a good grassroots type of movement. if we get 1500 people to reply it might just come back to the fairgrounds:

 1500 people
x   45 (to put your car on the showfield?)

$ 67,500 that i don’t think they could say no to


x   10 to get in

$ 15,000

lets just try hey it’s worth a shot :grouphug:

i liked it at PSU… it will never be like it used to be. get over it… PSU was way better then harisburg at least


who cares…

it even sucked when it was at the fairgrounds. Ever since they took out the option to camp out on the property, it sucked balls. That was the whole fun of it. Everyone has their cars in a closed environment, and everyone could get drunk as fuck without having to drive anywhere. The late night festivities were centralized there too, instead of spread out over 30 hotels. Plus, security was a joke. Carlisle 2001 was the coolest, funnest show I’ve ever been to by fucking far, but it is dead and buried.