Please support NYSORVA and sign this petition.

But whats your missing is there are already state trails mapped out and accessable for snowmobiles. All NYS would have to do is send a parks police around and unlock the gates. If they wanted to pay police to patrol the trails and write tickets for exhaust and unreg/insured thats more money for them too. NYS already owns MANY 4x4 ATVS, equipt with lights and radios (My last job we worked on those machines). Tug hill was ATV friendly 2 years ago for half a season, then NYS put a stop to it once again. The closed alot of the trails that started out letting atvs on, then said nope, and left liek 1-3 trails open and said thats what you get have fun.

Its not like we are asking NYS to get the dozer out and make some new trails. its far from that. All we want is the ability to ride on NYS land, NOT on camp grounds, hiking trails, etc where public people are. AND the ability to cross state land (Ie roads and fields) to get from PRIVATE PROPERTY TO PRIVATE PROPERTY. We got nails MANY times by encon for doing just that, and we had to fight our way out of it, and prove that we have the land owners permission to ride where we were coming from and to.

Its just getting to the point that private owners cant host clubs and riding areas anymore. NYS breathing down their necks, property owners around the land starting shit becasue they know NYS will back them. Soggy Bottom ATV club shut down last year becasue of this. And they owned ALL the land they were riding on.

EDIT here is the link to their site/club.
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