Plot to blow up 6 planes leaving the UK stopped?,2933,207682,00.html

damn… kudo’s to the people who stopped it

Yes, but the domestic spying programs they use in the UK make the Patriot Act look like the Bill of Rights. It would never work here, regardless of the number of terror plots it stopped.

:mad: fucking terrorists… one more attack on US soil and im signing up for the military.

Quoted, and sigged thats a binding contract.

watching it on the news at work…

it looks pretty nuts over there in london… here comes more airport security.

british police DO NOT fuck around…remember last yeah those bus bombers that they caught within a day or so.

Hannah Pillinger, 24, seemed less concerned by the announcement. “Eight hours without an iPod, that’s the most inconvenient thing,” she said, waiting at the Manchester airport.

Can they test the unused bombs on her?

They aren’t fucking around here either.

Picture from, logan airport, NYS police.



Civil rights come in handy when you are blown to pieces.:bloated:

YaY… my flight tomorrow is gonna be awesome…ugh :confused:

you’re retarded

Good one, you win.

The square period just adds that much more emphasis

I guess you forgot about all those people who fought in wars and died for them as well.

Doesn’t matter, congrats to the Brits.

yeah I do win b/c that was the dumbest thing you could have possibly said…

There’s no lack of easedropping going on in the United States, the justice departments hands aren’t tied behind its back by the ACLU. They can get a warrant in hours, they can get a warrant AFTER the fact. They just can’t go doing whatever the fuck they want without any sort of check system.

I am waiting for you to explain how this is Bushs fault.
What is taking you so long?
You are slipping.



You’re acting like this wouldn’t have happened in the US and shit would have gotten blown up b/c of restraints on open season for spying US citizens…which is not the case.

You know why 9/11 happened? It wasn’t because they couldn’t spy on the terrorists…it’s because the CIA, NSA, Immigration and FBI were too far up their own asses to talk to eachother.

Now, they aren’t, right now. If you liberals get your way they sure as hell will be though.

again, dumbest fucking thing ever. Did you eat an extra large dose of “Making shit up about liberals” today?